Register for Tennis Instruction!
Join us for Tennis instruction ranging from beginner to advanced levels!
spring/summer REGISTRATION OPENS march 27
Programs & Schedules:
- Tennis Level I- Register Here!
- Tennis Level II - Register Here!
- Tennis Level III - Register Here!
- Tennis Level IV - Register Here!
- Tennis Clinics- Register Here!
Athletic Centre (55 Harbord St., Toronto) - Field House Courts E2/ W3
Programs & Schedules
How to Register
To register for and participate in programs individuals must be current U of T students who have paid the KPE athletic incidental fees or community members with a valid membership. Memberships must be valid until the end of the program.
U of T students and members can also sign up for registered programs in the following ways:
- Online at the tri-campus recreation website, Students, staff and faculty with a valid membership can login with a UTORid. Community members interested in registering for classes will need an account. Learn how to create your account at
- If you require assistance, please contact the Main Office: email us at or call 416-978-3436 x 0 during operational hours to speak to a member services representative.
Members who are on a waiting list and have been notified that a space has become available for themselves or their dependent can register in person at one of our customer service locations or online ( if they have received a link via email.
Please note: classes are not held on statutory holidays, long weekends or during reading week. Please refer to the hours of each facility for more information.
If you have any questions, please email us at or call 416-978-3436 x 0 to speak to a member services representative during office hours.
Tennis Level I
Tennis Level I Foundation of Successful Tennis Pt1
- Learn the proper technique that will enable you to progress and succeed at Tennis
- A fun introductory class that will teach you textbook mechanics of hitting forehands, backhands, volleys, and serves
- This course is for those who have never had formal instruction before and provides you with a solid technical foundation for skills that are further developed in Level 2 and beyond.
- Level 1 and 2 operate as two halves of one course: Level 1 is about learning and building the foundations of proper tennis skills and technique, and Level 2 further develops and strengthens these into successful full-court tennis
- This course has been specifically developed for students at U of T, Sport and Rec members, including students who have played other racquet sports but not tennis
- Equipment is provided
- Register here
Tennis Level II
Tennis Level II Foundation of Successful Tennis Pt2
- Tennis Level 2 focuses on developing and refining your technique and skills that were learned in Level I and transitions you to full-court play
- Have fun improving and strengthening the mechanics of your forehand, backhand, volleys, and serve, while learning overheads, kick serves, and slice backhands
- This course is for those who have taken Level 1, or have taken tennis lessons before and can sustain medium-pace service line to service line rallies of at least 6 shots
- Levels 1 and 2 operate as two halves of one course: Level 1 is about learning and building the foundations of proper tennis skills and technique, and Level 2 further develops and strengthens these while transitioning into successful full-court tennis
- This course has been specifically developed for students at U of T, Sport and Rec members: Participants who are between Level 1 and Level 2, have learned to play tennis at another organization or club, and have not played in the last two years or more, are encouraged to register for Level 1.
- Equipment is provided -- instructors will speak about recommended racquet models during the first class.
- Prerequisite: Tennis Level 1 or equivalent lessons
- Register here
Tennis Level III
Intermediate Level: Becoming a Fully Rounded Tennis Player
- Tennis Level 3 is for those who have taken Level 2, or have previously taken lessons or clinics and are able to hit forehands, backhands, volleys, overheads, and serves with more or less proper technique, and sustain medium-paced baseline rallies of at least 12 shots
- This course will take the skills and technique learned in Level 2 and further develop your game by improving the consistency and pace of your shots
- Strengthen your topspin forehand, topspin backhand, slice backhand, flat serve and kick serves, while adding slice serves to your arsenal and learning tactics and strategies for singles and doubles
- Achieve good court positioning and coverage, in addition to solid consistency at medium to fast paced rallies
- This course has been specifically developed for students at U of T, Sport and Rec members: Participants who are in between Level 2 and Level 3, who learned to play tennis at another organization/club are encouraged to register for the more technically-focused Level 2
- While equipment is available, students are expected to have their racquet
- Prerequisite: Tennis Level 2 or equivalent lessons with permission of instructor, or a NTRP Rating of 3.0
If you are unsure what level you should register for, please email:
Tennis Level IV
Tennis Level IV (ADVANCED)
- Tennis Level IV is an advanced class for those who have achieved a level of proficiency above and beyond Level 3, who have taken formal lessons, play regularly, can hit and technically execute all shots including kick serves and slice backhands, and who want to improve their consistency or fine-tune their game strategy
- Emphasis is on shot-making, positioning, and the application of winning tactics for singles and doubles
- This course has been specifically developed for students at U of T, Sport and Rec members: Participants in this course are expected to have already achieved a reasonably high level of technical proficiency in executing all tennis strokes and shots, even if their consistency needs work.
- Students who are in between Level 3 and Level 4, or who are still working on the technique of some of their shots will benefit much more from taking Level 3
- Students are required to have their own racquet
- Prerequisite: Must have completed Level III, and NTRP Rating of 4.0 - 4.5 or permission of instructor
- Register here
Tennis Clinics (offered in Fall & Winter term)
Keep improving your tennis skills with two-hour clinics, designed to improve a specific skill at a time. Each clinic takes place in Field House 2 & 3 of the Athletic Centre. Each clinic is two hrs (divided into two days).
Clinic 1: Level 1.5
Extend your Level 1 class with these extra sessions designed to help you solidify the technique and mechanics you have learned in Level 1 and begin your transition to full-court play.
Clinic 2: Level 2.5
Tennis Clinic Level 2.5 is an extension of Level 2, designed to continue developing and refining your tennis technique and skills. This three-week program, consisting of two sessions per week, aims to enhance your mechanics in various aspects of the game, preparing you for successful full-court play. You must have completed Level 2 in order to register to this clinic.
Spring Schedule 2025: Begins week of may 4
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
7:05-8:30 a.m. (Tennis Level I) | ||||||
8:35 a.m.-10:00 am (Tennis Level III) | ||||||
10:10-11a.m (Tennis Level I) | 10:10 a.m-12 p.m. (Tennis Level I) | 10:10-11a.m (Tennis Level I) | ||||
11:10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Tennis Level I) | 11:10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. (Tennis Level I) | |||||
12:10-2:00 p.m (Tennis Level II) | 12:10-2:00 p.m (Tennis Level II) | 12:10-2:00 p.m (Tennis Level III) | ||||
12:10 p.m. - 2:00 pm ( Level I) | 12:10-1 p.m. (Tennis Level III) | |||||
2:10 p.m. - 4:00 pm ( Level II) | 1:10-2 p.m. (Tennis Level III) | |||||
2:10-3 p.m. (Tennis Level IV) | ||||||
4:10 p.m-6:55pm (Tennis Level II) | ||||||
No classes on: Friday, May 16, Sunday, May 18, Monday, May 19
SUMMER Schedule 2025: Begins week of JUly 3
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
12:10-1 p.m. (Tennis Level III) | ||||||
1:10-2 p.m. (Tennis Level III) | ||||||
5:15 -7:00 pm. (Tennis Level II) | 2:10-3 p.m. (Tennis Level IV) |
No classes on: Sunday, Aug 3
What to wear
- Participants are asked to wear comfortable an appropriate athletic attire in all registered activities
- Athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in activity areas