Drop-In Ice Skate

Who doesn't love to sharpen up the blades and carve some lines in the ice at the local rink? 

Sports & Rec offers two co-ed options for ice skating - Drop-In Skate, Family Skate, and Figure Skating. You can find Stick n' Puck options here.  

Drop-in Skate: This skate is for recreational skaters looking to practice their skills on the ice or skate with friends! Beginners are welcome and no figure skating or hockey skills practice can occur during this time.

Drop-in Family Skate: Bring your family out for a skate! Children are welcome during this skate, please note we do not offer child sized skate or helmet rentals. More information can be found below for this skating time. 

Drop-in Figure Skating: During this time recreational figure skaters may practice individual skating skills, freestyle (footwork, spirals, spins and non-toe picking jumps) and stroking elements. No beginner level skaters are allowed on the ice at this time for safety. We do not offer skate rentals and all skaters must bring their own figure skates (no hockey skates allowed during this time).


  • Please note: all Drop-In schedules are subject to change. Check the program page via links below for the most up to date schedule. Arena programs are seasonal programs at Varsity Centre. 

Registration is not required 

drop-in Figure Skate 

drop-in skate

Drop-in Family Skate

Schedule & Important Information

WINTER 2025 Ice sports SCHEDULE - Starts january 12

*WO: Women-Only

1:00pm-3:55pm (Skate)11:00am-11:55am (Skate) 11:00am-11:55am (WO Stick n' Puck)10:00am-11:55am (Skate) 5:15pm-6:45pm (Family Skate)
4:00pm-4:55pm (Hockey)12:00pm-12:55pm (Shinny) 12:00pm-12:55pm (Instructed Stick n' Puck)12:00pm-12:55pm (Stick n' Puck)  
   1:00pm-2:25pm (Skate)1:00pm-1:55pm (Hockey)  
   2:30pm-3:55pm (Figure Skate)   


Upcoming Schedule Adjustments


Upcoming adjustments to this drop-in schedule will be listed below:

  • February 6: No drop-in Ice skate or figure skating 
  • February 17: No drop-in due to Family Day
  • February 20: No drop-in Ice Skate
  • February 21: No drop-in




Varsity Centre Arena (299 Bloor St. W)

  • Enter off of the Varsity Centre Pavilion


Students: Current students paying incidental fees can access this programming at no additional cost. 

Members: Anyone with an active Sport & Rec Membership can access this programming at no additional cost.

Rules/ Etiquette

Drop-in Skating

Activities that are not permitted on the ice during these sessions:

  • Speed skating
  • Power skating
  • Figure skating and figure skating skills
  • Coaching (including virtual)
  • Foul language or inappropriate behaviour
  • Bringing food or drinks onto the ice
  • Use of headphones, phones, or handheld devices while on the ice
  • Rough play or multiplayer games such as tag and races

Please follow the rules:

  • Respect staff at all times
  • Only students and members wearing skates are allowed on the rink
  • The middle of the ice not for footwork or skill practicing. Staff may use this space to stand still and oversee the ice.
  • Hockey pucks and sticks are not permitted during skating sessions
  • Skate forwards at a sensible and safe speed in the same direction as other skaters

Drop-in Figure Skating

Activities that are not permitted on the ice during these sessions: 

  • Toe-picking jumps: stag jumps, toe loops, flip and lutz jumps
  • No hockey skates - all participants should be in figure skates
  • Full routine practices 
  • This is not a time for beginner skaters - only for experienced figure skaters
  • Use of headphones, phones, or handheld devices while on the ice

Please follow the rules:

  • Respect staff at all times
  • Only students and members wearing skates are allowed on the rink
  • Hockey pucks and sticks are not permitted during skating sessions
  • Skate backwards or forwards at a sensible speed 
  • Practice of skating skills, freestyle (foodwork, spins, spirals, and non-toe picking jumps) and stroking elements 

Drop-in Family Skating 

Activities that are not permitted on the ice during these sessions:

  • Holding children (including in carriers)
  • Speed skating
  • Power skating
  • Figure skating and figure skating skills
  • Coaching (including virtual)
  • Foul language or inappropriate behaviour
  • Bringing food or drinks onto the ice
  • Use of headphones, phones, or handheld devices while on the ice
  • Rough play or multiplayer games such as tag and races

Please follow the rules:

  • Respect staff at all times
  • Only students and members wearing skates are allowed on the rink
  • The middle of the ice not for footwork or skill practicing. Staff may use this space to stand still and oversee the ice.
  • Hockey pucks and sticks are not permitted during skating sessions
  • Skate forwards at a sensible and safe speed in the same direction as other skaters
  • CSA-approved hockey helmets are mandatory for people 17 and under and strongly recommended for beginner adults. 
  • There are no child sized skates or helmets available for loan- they must be provided for each child
  • Beginner skaters 17 and under and children 12 and under must be accompanied on the ice by an adult wearing skate
  • Current U of T students and Sport and Rec members can bring up to three children during family skate. Partners/spouses/guests must purchase a day pass
  • Non-students/members with children can purchase a family pass (2 adults and maximum 4 children)
  • There will be Sport & Rec program staff on site monitoring and managing capacity as needed, there are capacity maximums and if reached no further drop-in participants will be allowed to enter the arena.
  • Space on the ice and skate rentals are limited. 
Other Info
  • Supervision by Physical Activity Facilitators
  • There will be no skate rentals or sharpening during drop in Figure skating
  • Ice will be flooded between sessions as needed
  • Skate rentals and helmets are available for loan during drop in skating times for a fee of $3.00 +HST for U of T students and $5.00 +HST for non-U of T Students. Skate sharpening is available for a fee $5.00 + HST for UofT students and $8.00+HST for non-UofT students. 
  • We offer adult hockey skate rentals only