Rental Information

About Our Facilities

The Athletic Centre, Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport, Varsity Centre & Arena, Back Campus Fields, and Robert Street Field facilities offer a wide range of athletic and meeting facilities, many of which are available for rental. Rental fees vary by facility, and availability may be limited during the school year (September through May) due to student programming. See bottom of page for fee information. Please note that student groups receive priority when booking rental spaces. (Students during the school year please visit for how to apply.)

Rental Guidelines

Rental requests are only considered after internal program requirements have been fulfilled.

Due to limited availability, long-term rental bookings are rarely offered.

We are unable to accommodate commercial ventures that directly compete with our internal programs.

For film requests please visit for how to apply. 

Insurance Requirements

A comprehensive general liability insurance policy is required to confirm any rental. This policy must cover bodily injury and property damage, with coverage limits of $5,000,000. The insurance certificate must name "The Governing Council of the University of Toronto" as an additional insured.


  • Rental groups composed entirely of students or facility members are not required to provide insurance. However, a valid membership card or day pass is necessary for access during the rental period.
  • Individuals teaching or instructing during the event must provide a certificate of qualifications prior to confirming the rental.

Timeline for Rental Requests

We schedule rentals on a term-by-term basis and accept submissions for rental of space no more than 3 months prior to the start of each school term. We require a minimum of 10 business days to process your request. 

  • Fall term submissions begin July 1
  • Winter term submissions begin October 1
  • Spring and Summer term submissions begin February 1

If your rental request is for a large-scale event one full day or more, we recommend submitting your request a minimum of 6 months in advance to assess availability.

How to Initiate a Rental Inquiry

To begin the rental process, please send below information, to

  • Event Name
  • Event Date(s) and Time(s)
  • Facility or Room Requested
  • Expected Number of Participants
  • Type of Event (e.g., meeting, conference, training, sports event)
  • Any Specific Equipment or Setup Needs (e.g., AV equipment, seating arrangements, etc.)
  • Contact Information (including the name, email, and phone number of the event organizer)
  • Certificate of Qualifications for instructors (if applicable)
  •  Food restrictions are in place for activity spaces. Please note if your event will include any catering. 

Please note that our response times may vary depending on the complexity of the request and other factors. We will review your inquiry and respond as soon as possible. 

For more information or inquiries, please contact us at:


Athletic Centre Rental Fees
Pools*CapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Varsity (50m) Pool478$155.18*Yes
Benson (25yd) Pool118$72.82*Yes
LifeguardQuantity depending on bather totals $30.00N/A
Gyms and CourtsCapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Sports gym200-750$199.68Yes
Upper gym200-230$100.88No
Lower gym (Gymnastics)50$100.88No
Field House Court100$59.28Yes
Field House track lane20-25$44.97Yes
Strength & Conditioning Centre70$213.20Yes
Squash courts200-750$29.12/court/40 mins*No
Multi-purpose spacesCapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Dance studio50$92.56Yes
Seminar and Lecture RoomsCapacityPriceWheelchair accessible?
Lecture Hall (Room 307)110$92.56No
Seminar Room (Room 304)25$46.80No
Board Room (Room 302)40$65.52No
Room 32020$46.80No
Room 200720$46.80Yes
Benson Student Lounge100$92.56No
AC Lobby200$46.80Yes
AC Electronic EquipmentAll Day$88.50 
AC Electronic EquipmentPer Hour$19.47 
AC Sport EquipmentPer Hour$19.47 
AC Sport EquipmentAll Day$88.50 
AC Staff - Facility Attendant Full TimePer Hour$52.21 
AC Staff - Facility Attendant Part TimePer Hour$32.00 
AC Staff - Physical Activity FacilitatorPer Hour$25.00 
AC Staff - SCC/Lower Gym MonitorPer Hour$36.28 
Pool Sport EquipmentPer Hour$18.23 
Pool Holiday FeePer Hour$94.75 
Pool Shot ClocksPer Hour$17.92 
Pool Shot ClocksAll Day$86.61 
Pool Sound SystemPer Hour$134.42 
Pool Staff - Event CaretakingPer Hour$65.50 
Pool Staff - Holiday CaretakingPer Hour$17.00 
Pool Staff - Lifeguard ShiftPer Hour$30.00 
Pool Staff - Out of Building HoursPer Hour$39.75 
Pool Staff - SupervisorPer Hour$35.25 
Pool Staff - TImerPer Hour$31.50 
Pool Timing System - No OperatorPer Hour$80.88 


Goldring Centre Rental Fees
Gyms and Activity RoomCapacityPrice per hour | DayWheelchair accessible?
Kimel Family Field House Hourly RateCapacity 100 | Seating Capacity 1700$495.00 Yes
Kimel Family Field House Event Base RateCapacity 100 | Seating Capacity 1700$7,700.00Yes
Fitness Studio30$105.77 Yes
Meeting RoomsCapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Kylemore Conference Room #22125$129.27 Yes
Multi-Purpose Room #33520$129.27 Yes


Varsity Centre Rental Fees
ArenaCapacityPrice per hour  AvailabilityWheelchair accessible?
Ice Rink80-100 | Seating 4000$323.18 September to mid-April Yes
Sport court (volleyball, 3 nets)50-80 | Seating 4000$170.40 Mid-May to mid-August Yes
Field and stadiumCapacityPrice per hour | DayAvailabilityWheelchair accessible?
Hourly Field RateSeating 4500$215.00 Mid-May to mid-November Yes
Hourly Track and Field RateSeating 4500$400.00Mid-May to mid-November Yes
Base Event RateSeating 4500$7,700.00Mid-May to mid-November Yes
DomeCapacityPrice per hour AvailabilityWheelchair accessible?
1/3 of playing field 10-20$298.32 Mid-December to mid-April Yes
2/3 of playing field 20-50$596.64 Mid-December to mid-April Yes
Full Dome Field  30-80$739.59 Mid-December to mid-April Yes
Meeting Rooms CapacityPrice per hour AvailabilityWheelchair accessible?
Adam Zimmerman Room #201 30$129.27  Year round Yes
Blue & White Lounge 60-70$170.40  Year round Yes
Varsity Centre - Physical Activity FacilitatorPer Hour$25.00 
Varsity Centre - Skate Rental MonitorPer Hour$25.00 
Varsity Centre - Skate RentalsPer Hour$180.00 


Back Campus Rental Fees
FieldsCapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Single field (East or West)10-100$164.53Yes
Both field (East and West)30-300$282.05Yes
Back Campus EquipmentPer Hour$50.00 
Electronic Scoreboard - Back CampusPer Hour$50.00 
Tents - Outdoor UsePer Hour$100.00 


Robert Street Rental Fees
Gyms and Activity RoomCapacityPrice per hourWheelchair accessible?
Robert Street Field30-300$88.14Yes