Junior Blues

Registration for the Spring/Summer 2025 session of Junior Blues Sport and Aquatics Programs will open April 9 at 7am! 

The Junior Blues Experience

The Junior Blues program offers a range of activities for children aged 6 months to 17 years to explore movement on land, in water, and on ice.  Conveniently located on the University’s downtown campus, Junior Blues classes give children and youth the physical literacy skills they need to be active and healthy for life, inside world-class facilities!

2025 Junior Blues Programs

Learn, play, and grow with Junior Blues!

View the Winter 2025 Junior Blues Brochure

Spring 2025 Junior Blues Sports and Spring/Summer 2025 Junior Blues Aquatic Programs Brochure coming soon!




  1. Find the program offering of choice from the chart below. Click this and it will take you to our registration system.
  2. Once you get to the program offering on the online registration system, SIGN IN to your account and select the offering you’d like to register for.
  3. Once you have logged in to the program offering page, enroll and continue with the registration process.

Junior Blues Sports

Gymnastics - Ages 4 to 12

Children will learn a range of gymnastics skills from running, jumping, and swinging to advanced training in a competitive program depending on their age and skill level. 
Learn more about Junior Blues Gymnastics

Junior blues gymnastics participants smiling, surrounded by foam squares

Explore Our Gymnastics Programs:

Badminton - Ages 9 to 12

Junior Blues Badminton programs offer children a chance to learn or improve their skills in this fast-paced and strategic game. Learn more Junior Blues Badminton classes

Kids from Juniour Blues playing Badminton

 Explore Our Badminton Programs:

Basketball - Ages 6 to 12

Develop fundamental basketball skills through fun drills and weekly scrimmages. 
Learn more about Junior Blues Basketball Programs

Junior Blues Participants playing Basketball

Explore Our Basketball Programs:

Minisport & Multisport - Ages 4 to 8

Children learn agility, balance, and coordination through fun and games with options to expand on locomotion, balance, and object manipulation skills like rolling, throwing, and catching.
Learn more about Junior Blues MiniSports & MultiSports

Children sitting together talking while watching sports

Explore MultiSport & MiniSport Programs:

Skating - Ages 4 to 12

These classes combine introductory and junior skaters. Skills taught include basic balance, moving forwards and backwards to turning and crossovers.
Learn more about Junior Blues Skating

Two children skating

Track & Field - Ages 7 to 12

Athletes will be introduced to running, jumping, and throwing. Learn the proper techniques and concepts of these essential skills.
Learn more about Junor Blues Track & Field

Two girls wearing yellow t-shirts running towards the camera on the track

Explore Track & Field Programs:

Junior Blues Swimming and Aquatics

Swimming - Ages 3 to 17

Swimming is an essential life skill for safety, fun and fitness! Come join us in our variety of programs tailored to meet the needs of your child.
Learn more about Junior Blues Swimming Programs

Swim for Life

Female instructor helping girl float on the water

Explore Our Swim for Life Programs:

Adapted Swimming

Boy swimming in the water while blowing bubbles

Explore Our Adapted Swimming Programs:

Competitive Swimming

Girl doing front stroke inside the pool

Explore Our Competitive  Swimming Programs:

Certifications - Ages 11 to 17

Junior Blues Policies & Information

Inclusion & Support

The Faculty strives to create and maintain a welcoming, inclusive atmosphere that is aligned with University policies and guidelines on equity, diversity and excellence. This commitment is reflected in a variety of targeted strategies and initiatives. Our first priority is to support the student experience at U of T. Our programs and scheduling reflect this priority.

Junior Blues strives to make our programs an enjoyable experience for all participants. If your child requires support, please review and fill out our Inclusion + Support form and e-mail us to receive more information.

Getting Ready for Program Registration Day!
Supervision Requirements for Children

Parents/guardians are responsible for their children at all times. Children under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult at all times. Some facilities have specific supervision requirements; please ask if you have any questions.

Unaccompanied minors (17 and under) are not permitted to enter or use the facilities unless formally registered in a program.

Supervision of Children in Change Rooms

  • Children five (5) and under may use any change room under adult supervision.
  • Children six (6) and over must use gender specific change rooms or privacy change rooms.
  • All children under 12 must be supervised by adults in change rooms.
Accessing Facilities - Green Facility Passes

Classes are held at the Athletic Centre, Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport and Varsity Centre. All participants must enter with a GREEN facility access pass. Please ensure that you leave enough time prior to the start of class to pick up your pass on the first day. Remember that if you leave the premise for any reason and wish to re-enter you will need to show your green facility access pass.

If you have forgotten or lost your green pass please ask for a replacement at the Athletic Centre Main Office or at the Varsity Pavilion. An additional pass for both parents may be requested. Please note that there is a $5 charge for the third replacement card in a term. 

For the safety and security of all our members and participants, we enforce a “no card, no entry” policy.

Registration and Transfer Requests

Informed Consent

Remember, only the parent or guardian of the child can complete the informed consent and register them for programs.

Access to Registration

If you require assistance registering due to a disability, please contact us in advance.

Transfer Requests

Participants may transfer to another class or time anytime before the 2nd scheduled class. Transfers must be officially completed manually by a customer experience staff and can only be completed if space permits it. Participants may transfer to any Junior Blues or Camp U of T program for which registration is open. Please email us to make a transfer request, or call 416-978-3436 to make a transfer request. 

Withdrawal Requests and Refund Policy

All Junior Blues program withdrawal requests must be received within two (2) business days after the first class. Program withdrawals can be requested in person, by phone at 416-978-3436, or by email the Junior Blues team at 11:59 p.m.

Please include your name, your child’s name, and the program from which you are requesting to withdraw. Participants will be refunded the full amount less a cancellation fee of 10%.

Withdrawal Deadlines for Junior Blues Programs

Day when 1st class scheduledDeadline to request a refund
MondayWednesday, 11:59 p.m.
TuesdayThursday, 11:59 p.m.
WednesdayFriday, 11:59 p.m.
ThursdayMonday, 11:59 p.m.
FridayMonday, 11:59 p.m.
Saturday/SundayTuesday, 11:59 p.m.

Withdrawal Deadline for Clinics/Certification Courses

Withdrawal and refund requests for clinics and certification courses must be requested four (4) days prior to the start date. 

Refunds for Medical Reasons

Participants withdrawing for medical reasons will receive a partial refund for the remainder of the program. A medical note is required. Withdrawal requests with a notes must be received within two (2) weeks of the date of illness.

Age Guidelines

Age guidelines for Junior Blues programs are based on a child’s developmental stage, the facility in which the program is held and individual program goals. Your child’s safety and enjoyment are important to us. We ask that all parents and guardians adhere to age guidelines.

Children Under 3 Years Old

Programs for children under three are family programs and require an adult to attend and fully participate. One adult per child is required.

Children 3 & 4 Years Old

All children participating in classes for three and four year-olds must be the minimum age specified in the class description by the first day of class.

Children 5+ Years Old

All children participating in classes for those five and over must be the minimum age specified in the class description by the last day of class.

Contact us if you would like to enroll your older child in a program that is set for younger children.

Report Card Pick Up

If you missed the last lesson of the Previous Session, you can pick up your report card from the Main Office of the Athletic Centre (55 Harbord Street).

KPE Policies

Your Safety: Inherent Risks

All participants are expected to recognize and accept the risks inherent in their activity. Part of the risk involved in undertaking any activity or program is relative to the participant’s own state of health (physical, mental or emotional) and the awareness, care and skill with which the participant conducts himself or herself in that activity or program. The specific risks vary from one activity to another. All participation in programs and services is voluntary and each participant knowingly assumes all risks associated with his or her own participation.


For life threatening circumstances contact 911 directly.

The yellow call phones/code blue phones located throughout the facilities will link you directly with U of T police and should be used in the event of threats to personal safety and criminal acts.

Public access AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) are available at both the Athletic Centre and Varsity Centre in the event of an emergency.

Notice to Participants

Each person entering these areas for the purpose of participating in any athletics program must be a registered participant or an authorized guest. The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education has the authority to revoke or suspend rights and privileges when offending behaviour is exhibited. Offending behaviour includes but is not limited to: disorderly conduct, disruptive behaviour, persistent disregard of facility rules and regulations, default in payment of program fees.

A Teaching Health Centre

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education is a teaching health centre. Health research and academic instruction are conducted alongside our co-curricular programs. Many Junior Blues instructors and staff are also students, putting into practice the theories they learn in the classroom via our academic and co-curricular programs. Junior Blues participants may be asked to participate in our physical education and health research on a voluntary basis. We ask all participants to be respectful of the learning environment.

Privacy Notice

The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal information that you provide to the University is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering registration, programs, university-related student and member activities, safety, financial operations, and reporting to governance for statistical purposes. At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416-946-7303, McMurrich Building, room 104, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.

Discounts for U of T Students & Sport & Rec Members

Current U of T students and Sport and Rec members receive 10% off all Junior Blues registrations.


Contact us at 416-978-3436 and press "0" to speak with a customer experience representative or email the Sports & Rec team.

Email the Junior Blues team.

Email Camp U of T.