- How will receipts be sent?
Receipts and registration confirmations are sent via email. Please ensure that your email address is correct and is not marked as private in the registration system. Emails marked as private will not receive receipts or confirmations. Receipts are sent as attachments from the Sport and Rec email or the Junior Blues email.
- How can I request a new copy of a receipt?
You can log onto the Sport & Recreation online portal. Click Profile > Program Registrations, choose which program you want a new receipt for, select the 3 vertical dots and click Print. A new copy will automatically be downloaded.
If you experience any issues, please email Sports & Rec for assistance.
- Can I register my child for a program they don’t meet the age guidelines for?
If your child does not meet the age requirements for a specific program, please do not register them for that program.
Age guidelines for 4-7 years old programs are strict and children must be the appropriate age by the first day of the program. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to your child participating when they are the appropriate age.
If you would like to register an older child for a camp, please contact us for more details.
- Do you pro-rate camps if I only want my child to attend for a few days?
At this time, no discounts are issued for any days not attended unless a medical note is received.
- What is the staff to camper ratio?
- 1:6 for campers aged 4 to 7 yrs.
- 1:8 for campers aged 8 to 16 yrs.
- 1:12 for Leaders in Training.
- My child would like to be in a group with a friend, is this possible?
It is possible to request that your child be placed with a maximum of two (2) friends. Please indicate the request at the time of registration and we will try to accommodate your request. Children must be registered in the same program and be approximately the same age. If there is an age difference children will be placed in the group suitable to the youngest camper.
No more than two requests can be considered. Camp is a time to make new friends and try new experiences so larger requests will not be placed in the same group.
- What entrance should I use?
Camp U of T runs many camps at the Athletic Centre, Varsity Centre and Goldring Centre. Visit the locations page to learn more about Camp U of T locations.
- Camp U of T Camper Code
The safety and enjoyment of each camper is extremely important to us. In order to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable experience, we ask you to review the following points with your child/children. This information is also reviewed by staff prior to the beginning of each camp and camp specific rules are agreed on by campers and staff.
Inclusive Environment
- Make new friends.
- Take turns and be polite.
- Bullying and teasing will not be tolerated.
- Obey your camp staff.
- Think before you act.
- Be aware.
Celebrate Differences
- Share Ideas.
- Learn about new cultures.
Take Responsibility
- Help camp staff.
- Look out for your fellow campers.
- Make your time at Camp U of T great.
When a child does not follow the Camp U of T camper code of conduct we will take the following steps:
- Camp staff will direct the child to more appropriate behaviour.
- The child will be reminded of the expected behaviour and the rules that were gone over at the beginning of the camp session. A discussion between the camper and the staff will take place.
- If the behaviour persists the parent will be notified of the concerns and parents and staff will review the changes in behaviour that need to occur. Staff will schedule a follow-up conversation with the parent for one to two camp days in the future to check on the progress.
- Progress checks will take place between the camper, staff and parents.
- If the behaviour persists a conference will be scheduled with the Camp Director to discuss the next steps, which could include suspension or removal from the camp programs.
If a child’s behaviour at any time threatens the immediate safety of themselves, other children or staff the parent is notified and instructed to pick up the child immediately.
The following behaviours are not acceptable and may result in the immediate suspension of a camper for the day, week or from Camp U of T entirely:
- Endangering the health and safety of children, staff, members or volunteers.
- Stealing or damaging property.
- Leaving the program without permission.
- Continued disruption of the program.
- Continued refusal to follow the Camper Code or camp specific rules.
- Using profanity, vulgarity or obscenity frequently.
- Acting in a lewd manner.
- Allergies and other medical conditions
Allergies – particularly severe allergies to nuts – have become an increasing problem for all programs. Please do not send any snacks containing nut products with your child. Help to keep all kids safe!
Camp U of T is allergy aware and asks that parents and guardians not send any nut products to camp for lunch or snacks. Please note that we are a shared use facility with the public and nuts may have been consumed in public areas.
Children are reminded to wash their hands before eating and are not permitted to share food.If your child has allergies or another medical condition that we should be aware of, please indicate the details when registering. Please speak with the instructor about any conditions that could have an impact on your child’s experience.
- Emergency Contact
In the event of an emergency we will make every attempt to contact the parent(s) or guardian(s) listed on the account. Please keep the contact information, home phone, cell phone or work phone current on your family account.
Contact information can be updated online on the Sport & Recreation online portal on your Profile or email Sports & Rec.
Only if we are unable to reach the parents or guardians, will we contact the person listed as the alternate emergency contact.
- Drop-off and pick-up
Parking spaces are limited. We recommend that you walk, cycle or use public transit to get to Camp U of T, as the entrance will be heavily congested during drop-off and pick-up times. To avoid this congestion, please park a few blocks away and walk to the camp entrance to pick up your child.
Pre-camp supervision is included from 8-9 a.m. and post-camp supervision from 4-5 p.m. with every camp registration.
Campers who are not registered in the extended care program and are not picked up by 5 p.m. will have a daily fee of $15 will be payable immediately. We ask that you pick up promptly.
- Electronics and Cell phones at Camp
Please do not bring expensive equipment such as cell phones, music devices or game systems to camp. Make sure all clothing and towels are labelled, and we’ll do our best to return them to your camper. Cell phones must be turned off and left in bags from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To get a message to your child, call the camp desk.
- Recreational Swimming
Campers who are over 6 years of age and enrolled in a session that includes recreational swim times must successfully complete a swim assessment which will be held in the 50m or 25yd pool. The swim assessment consists of jumping into deep water and submerging, a 25m front swim, followed by one minute of treading water.
Mini Camp and Mighty Adventure camp swims in the teach pool only due to facility scheduling restrictions.
Please review the camp description carefully to understand how frequently, and in what facilities, your child may swim. While in the pool campers are supervised by their camp instructors and certified lifeguards.
The teach pool is available for participants who choose not to attempt the swim assessment or those who do not complete the assessment. All participants will be given a wrist band indicating which pool they swim in. Please leave the wrist band on for the entire camp session.
The following camp programs do not participate in the recreational swim: Gymnastics preschool, and Dance & Movement.
- What to bring to camp
- Wear comfortable clothing and running shoes—sandals are NOT permitted in sport and activity camps, including Mini University.
- Bring a jacket or sweatshirt for cool days.
- Bring a bathing suit and towel for swim days.
- Bring a hat and sunscreen for outdoor activities - All campers will go outside occasionally, please be prepared!
- Bring a water bottle (no glass please).
- Bring a substantial lunch.
- Bring healthy, substantial snacks.
All equipment will be provided unless otherwise stated.
- English skills
To make sure your camper is able to fully enjoy Camp U of T, please ensure they can speak enough English to understand instructors and other campers.
Main Office: 416-978-3436
Camp Desk: 416-978-3634 (July - August only)