Welcome to Sport & Rec @ U of T

Sport & Rec is the division of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education that provides sport and physical activity programs for U of T students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members at St. George Campus. 

Composite of athletes playing sports with "find your fit" slogan"


Learn more about Sport and Rec's Winter Memberships, available starting December 1, 2024.


Learn more about the Drop-in Sports scheduleLearn more about the Aquatics scheduleLearn more about the Group Fitness schedulegraphic icon of schedule and dumbbell representing an open gym schedule
Drop-in sports & aquatics schedule adjustments
  • No upcoming schedule adjustments.
Group Fitness & Open Gym schedule adjustments
  • April 2: Mindful Moments Yoga replaces Barre at Goldring Fitness Studio at 7:15 a.m.

DID YOU KNOW? If you’re a registered student who is paying ancillary fees, you already have access to many of Sport & Rec facilities, programs and services - just show your TCard and register online with your UTORid!

Explore what's new with Sport & Rec 

Fitness Foundations Digital Screen
March MoveU Skate

Come Cheer for Your Varsity Blues! Tickets are free for U of T students


Find your skill and learn more about instructional programs!Learn more about group fitness programs for all skill levels!
Find your strength and learn more about the open gym times!Learn more about personal training and improve performance for life!
Find your team and learn more about intramurals!Learn more about drop-in sports and play the sport YOU want!
Find your glide and learn more about aquatics!Find your community and learn more about equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging programs!

Quick Links:

 See Women-Only programming. Image shows two women planking happily.Get more with Sport & Rec and Discover all the perks and savings available

Building Access & Services

U of T students and Sport & Rec members may access our facilities. For each visit, T-Cards or membership cards must be scanned to gain entrance into facilities and you will be required to:

Day lockers are available to all members. Please check with the facility for the latest information on day locker access. 

Towels are available for sale! Members may purchase a towel at our Customer and Membership Services desk.

Sport & Recs Job Opportunities 

WE'RE HIRING! Sport & Rec is one of the largest employers on campus, hiring students each year to work in a variety of areas and gain valuable skills by assisting in the planning, delivery, and evaluation of our programs. 

Explore current student and casual job opportunities

Follow us on Instagram @uoftsportandrec for the latest news and content!