Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Play? 

During the Fall/ Winter months, participation is limited to U of T students only. Staff, faculty, and alumni may be permitted under certain restrictions. 

During the summer months, anyone is permitted to participate in intramurals. Find more information on our Intramurals homepage. 

How to find your Intramural Sport Council Representative? 

During Fall/ Winter each college or faculty has an intramural representative. To form or join a team during these semesters, connect with your college or faculty's intramural rep and they'll guide you through the process. Your intramural rep also takes care of registering and paying for teams. Find your Intramural Sport Representative. During the summer months, not all colleges/faculty reps operate. You can contact them but if they are not you will have to submit a team on your own.

How to use IM Leagues? 

If you are affiliated with a college or faculty once you have joined a team through your intramural rep, create your personal account on IM Leagues, a platform that will allow you to register for intramurals! You'll need to use your U of T email address to sign up. 

Independent team captains will need to register their team on IM Leagues, and then pay their default bond for their sport through their member portal. Note that registering through the college/faculty system will give you a priority spot in a league, so it is recommended that you contact your rep before signing up.  

Note that you are only able to play for one division of each sport. You cannot play on a team in both intermediate and Recreational. You must also play with your affiliated college/faculty, if your college/faculty has entered a team in that league. 

We recommend you turn on email notifications from IM Leagues for the season to get updates on scheduling changes, registration deadlines, playoff brackets and more. 

Learn more about joining IM Leagues

Guide to joining IMLeagues (PDF) 

How Can I Register Without an Active Membership? (Summer Intramurals only)

During the Fall/Winter semester, only incidental fee-paying students are eligible to play. During the summer all participants (including Community members) must have an active Sport & Rec membership or purchase an Intramural membership for the specific game night you wish to play. Registering with IM Leagues must also be completed.

What is a spectator pass and how do I get one?

A spectator pass is a pass that non-Sport & Rec members and players can purchase to watch a game. This pass gives the holder access to watch games but does not allow access to other areas of our Sport & Rec facilities. To obtain a pass, proceed to the Membership desk at the AC, Goldring or Varsity register for one. 

How Do I Stay Connected?

Contact U of T Intramurals.

Follow U of T Intramurals on Instagram.