Perceptual-Motor Behaviour

Welcome to the Perceptual-Motor Behaviour Laboratory!

The laboratory is currently looking for:

• Motivated undergraduate students interested in doing an honour's thesis (PHE390-PHE490)

• Motivated graduate students (Ph.D. candidates preferred)

You can contact us by using the web-form or email

Our research interests encompass the fields of motor learning, motor control, and motor development. Please consult the Research Projects page for more information on past, current, and future research topics.


Project title: Multisensory Integration for Motor Skill Acquisition. Individual Discovery Grant awarded to Dr. Luc Tremblay. Funded by the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Project title: Prolonged Acquisition Sessions in Sensorimotor Integration. Research Tools and Instruments Grant awarded to Dr. Luc Tremblay. Funded by NSERC.

Project title: A Real-Time Movement-Dependent Manipulation Approach for Fundamental Motor Control and Rehabilitation Research. On-going New Opportunities Fund awarded to Dr. Luc Tremblay. Funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF).


Krigolson, O. & Tremblay, L. (in press). The amount of practice really matters: Specificity of practice may only be valid after sufficient practice. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport.

Cheng, D.T., Luis, M., and Tremblay, L. (2008). Randomizing visual feedback in manual aiming: Reminiscence of the previous trial condition and prior knowledge of feedback availability. Experimental Brain Research. DOI 10.1007/s00221-008-1436-3

Luis, M. and Tremblay, L. (2008). Visual feedback use during a backtuck somersault: Evidence for optimal visual feedback utilization. Motor Control, 12, 210-218.

Khan, M., Tremblay, L., Cheng, D.T., Luis, M., & Mourton, S. (2008). The preparation and control of reversal movements as a single unit of action. Experimental Brain Research, 187, 33-40.

Hansen, S., Tremblay, L., and Elliott, D. (2008). Real time manipulation of visual displacement during manual aiming. Human Movement Science, 27, 1-11.

Hansen, S., Elliott, D., and Tremblay, L. (2007). Online control of discrete action following visual perturbation. Perception, 36, 268-287.

Tremblay, L., and Elliott, D. (2007). Sex differences in judging self-orientation: The morphological horizon and body pitch. BMC Neuroscience, 8:6. DOI 10.1186/1471-2202-8-6

Krigolson, O., Van Gyn, G., Heath, M., and Tremblay, L. (2006). The role of feedback in visual imagery: A test of the specificity of practice hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 24-32.

Glazebrook, C., Elliott, D., Lyons, J., and Tremblay, L. (2005). Crossmodal Inhibition of Return in Adults with and without Down Syndrome. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 22¸ 277-290.

Tremblay, L. , Welsh, T.N., and Elliott, D. (2005). Between-trial inhibition and facilitation in goal-directed aiming: Manual and spatial asymmetries. Experimental Brain Research, 160, 79-88.

Hansen , S.D. , Tremblay, L. , and Elliott, D. (2005). Partial and whole practice: Chunking and on-line control in the acquisition of a serial motor task. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76, 60-66.

Heath, M., Welsh, T.N., Simon, D.A., Tremblay, L. , Elliott, D., and Roy , E.A. (2005). Relative Processing Demands Influence Cerebral Laterality for Verbal-Motor Integration in Persons with Down Syndrome. Cortex, 41, 61-66.
Recent conference presentations:
Luis, M. & Tremblay, L. Vestibulo-ocular influences on visual feedback utilization during an arial skill. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) - 2008.

Tremblay, L. & Hansen, S. Optimizing visual feedback utilization: The influence of limb velocity. SCAPPS - 2008.

Tremblay, L. & Nguyen, T. Probing vision utilization using an audio-visual illusion: Evidence for modulation of visual afferent information processing during goal-directed movements. International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) - 2008.

Tremblay, L. & Luis, M. The use of visual information during a visual saccade for the control of a goal-directed upper-limb movement. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - 2008.

Tremblay, L., Dragicevic, P., & McGuffin. Ballistic and current control phases of action. 12ième Congrès International de l’ACAPS (Association des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives) - 2007.

Neely, K., Tremblay, L., & Heath, M. Tendon vibration influences the early, but not late, stages of grasping. SCAPPS - 2007.

Luis, M. & Tremblay, L. Visual feedback utilization during saccadic gaze displacements for the control of limb movements. SCAPPS - 2007.

Heath, M., Tremblay, L., & Binsted, G. Vision predominates sensorimotor transformations for online grasping control. Vision Sciences Society (VSS) - 2007.

Cheng, D.T., Tremblay, L., Luis, M. The Trial-by-Trial Effects of Visual Feedback Uncertainty in Manual Aiming. North American Society for Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) - 2007.

Wong, S.M., Luis, M., Cheng, D., & Tremblay, L. Does IOR Occur in Discrimination Tasks? Aiming Response and Vocal Response. NASPSPA - 2007.

Mourton, S.M., Khan, M., Tremblay, L., Cheng, D., & Luis, M. Time Course of Element Integration in Two-Target Reversal Movements. SCAPPS - 2006.

Tremblay, L., Corson, L., Cheng, D., and Luis, M. On-line utilization of visual and proprioceptive information during manual aiming. International Multisensory Research Forum (IMRF) - 2006.

Cheng, D.T., Tremblay, L. and Simon, D.A. Benefits of random practice over blocked practice for short and prolonged acquisition protocols. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) - 2006.

Luis, M., and Tremblay, L. Visual Feedback Utilization During a Back Tuck Somersault. NASPSPA - 2006.

Tremblay, L., Hansen, S., and Cheng, D.T. All visual samples were not created equal: Evidence from real-time manipulations. Annual conference of the Canadian Society of Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) - 2005.


Goodman, R. Title TBA. January 2015 to Present

Bested, S. Title TBA. September 2014 to Present

Manson, G. Title TBA. September 2013 to Present

de Grosbois, J. The Quantification of the Online Control of Goal-Directed Reaches Using Frequency Analyses. September 2011 to Present

Crainic, V. Title TBA. September 2014 to Present.

Loria, T. Multisensory Integration of Augmented Sensory Feedback at Peak Limb Velocity. September 2013 to Present.

Goodman, R. Using Tendon Vibration Between Trials to Alter Proprioceptive Sensitivity And Its Influence On Upper-Limb Control During Voluntary Reaching. Completed in 2015.

Manson, G. The Role of Visuomotor Regulation Processes on Perceived Audiovisual Events. Completed in 2013.

Srubiski, S. Robotic Guidance: Velocity Profile Symmetry and Online Feedback Use During Manual Aiming. Completed in 2012

Alekhina, M. The Role of Neck Muscle Afferentation in Planning and Online Control of Goal-Directed Movement. Completed in 2011

Kennedy, A. The Role of Retinal Limb Position on the Use of Visual Feedback during Manual Aiming Movements. Completed in 2011

Tiffany Lung - Undergraduate Student – Undergraduate projects (KPE390 & 490)
NSERC USRA Award (From September 2013 to August 2015)


KPE Faculty

  • Professor, Sensorimotor Control