The information on this page contains general information related to final exams, procedures for missed exams and requests to view final exams. For a full listing of examination policies and procedures please refer to the Undergraduate Program Calendar.
KPE Examination Guidelines
Examination Guidelines in the Academic Calendar
It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the examination guidelines and rules of the Faculty from which your course is delivered, e.g. KPE examination guidelines are below; examination rules from the Faculty of Arts & Science can be found on the Arts & Science website.
The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters which outlines academic offences including, plagiarism, impersonation, use of unauthorized aids and more, applies to ALL Examinations.
The following KPE Examination Guidelines apply unless otherwise explicitly specified by the course instructor:
- A pre-assigned seating plan will be used in all in-person mid-term and final examinations.
- Students are advised to arrive at the examination room at least 20 minutes before the scheduled exam time.
- No person will be allowed in an examination room during an examination except the students concerned and those invigilating the examination. Sharing your UTORid with another individual, to be used to access course materials and/or the exam, is not permitted.
- Students will not be permitted to enter the examination room later than 15 minutes after the start of the exam, or leave the examination room, except under supervision, until at least 30 minutes after the exam has commenced. For on-line examinations, once the exam is accessed it must be completed within the specified time OR by the deadline, whichever comes first. For example, if a 3h examination has a deadline of 5pm and the exam is accessed at 2:15pm, the student will only have 2h and 45 min to complete and submit the exam. For in person and on-line examinations, it is the student’s responsibility to start the exam on time.
- No communication, verbal or non-verbal, is permitted once the student enters or logs into the examination room and during the entire examination session (from the start of the availability of the exam to the deadline for submission). Students may not leave the examination room unescorted for any reason.
- Students shall place their watch or timepiece on their desks. Items that have functions other than indicating time may not be used as timepieces (e.g., cell phones, smartwatches, or similar electronic items). If the invigilator cannot tell if the timepiece has wireless or Bluetooth capability, they will ask for it to be placed under the desk and students will not be permitted to access it during the exam.
- Only a pen, pencil, ruler, calculator (if permitted) and signed Photo I.D. card (e.g., TCard, up-to-date passport, current driver’s license or current Canadian health card) will be allowed on the student’s desk.
NOTE: All students shall bring photo I.D. - Any pencil cases/containers, food items or drinks found on desks will be searched. If the invigilator either suspects or cannot tell whether the item could compromise the integrity of the exam, they will ask for it to be placed under the desk and students will not be permitted to access it during the exam. No materials or (electronic) devices shall be used at an examination except those authorized by the course instructor/examiner. Unauthorized materials include, but are not limited to: books, class notes, or aid sheets. Unauthorized devices include, but are not limited to: headsets, cell phones (such as smartphones), laptop computers, calculators, MP3 players (such as an iPod), pagers, Fitbits, electronic dictionaries, smartwatches and smart glasses. Coats, jackets, knapsacks, purses, pencil cases, notes and books are to be deposited in areas designated by the instructor/examiner and are not to be taken to the examination desk. It is recommended that students DO NOT bring valuables, including electronics, to the examination room. However, if the student has brought a bag (paper, transparent plastic or non-transparent plastic), the following items may be stored inside it under the student’s chair (as long as the bag is large enough): cell phone, wallet, laptop computer and any other small electronic devices such as a calculator.
- Unless otherwise specified by the course instructor, all in person and on-line examinations are to be completed individually and without the use of or access to unauthorized (not specifically named by course instructor) materials and/or assistance from others. Students with unauthorized materials or electronic devices outside the designated area within the examination room or who assist or obtain assistance from other students or from any unauthorized source are liable to penalties under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, including the loss of academic credit and expulsion.
- No hats or sunglasses may be worn during the examination.
- An invigilator will accompany students who need to use the washroom.
- Students shall remain seated at their desks during the final 10 minutes of each in-person examination.
- At the conclusion of an exam, all writing within the answer books and/or scantron shall cease. The invigilator may seize the examination papers of students who fail to observe this requirement, and a penalty may be imposed. For on-line exams, a 10-minute submission window is factored into the exam time. For example, for an exam window ending at 3pm, all writing should stop at 2:50pm, allowing 10 minutes to submit the exam electronically. Any submission issues must be reported within this 10-minute period and the exam should be e-mailed to the course instructor and the Registrar’s Office since late submissions will not typically be accepted.
- Examination books shall not be removed from the examination room or saved/shared electronically. Other material issued for the examination shall not be removed from the examination room or saved/shared electronically except by authority of the Course Instructor.
- If a student is ill and suspects they might not be able to complete the exam, they should not access the exam and instead should notify the KPE Registrar’s Office within 24 hours and seek medical attention. In rare circumstances, if a student becomes ill during the exam and is unable to continue, they should formally abandon the examination by notifying an invigilator of the examination and seek medical attention. The student will need to petition to defer the examination and provide proper medical documentation to the KPE Registrar's Office.
- Students who write a scheduled examination and hand in their examination paper for marking will not be allowed to ask for an alternative assessment or special consideration in marking after the fact.
- If an offence is committed, the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters will be enforced including up to the loss of academic credit and expulsion.
Exam Schedules
2025 Winter April Undergraduate Final Exam Schedule
Final Exam Conflicts
The following situations constitute a final examinations conflict:
- Same time: two or more final examinations scheduled for the same day and time
- Three exams on one date: three final examinations scheduled on the same day
- Three consecutive time slots, e.g. morning, afternoon, evening OR afternoon, evening, next day morning OR evening, next day morning, afternoon
- Religious observance
If you have a Final exam conflict:
- Fill out an 'Exam Conflict Report' form
- Submit the completed form via email to by the deadline.
- You will be notified by the KPE Registrar's Office of your next steps
Missed Exam Procedures
Email all forms and documentation as an actual attachment to (not as a link to your cloud files). If you submit your forms and documentations as links to any cloud files, we will not be able to access them and there will be a delay in processing your request. Please do not fax or mail forms.
Students cannot use the ACORN Absence Declaration Tool for a missed mid-term, final exam or final assessment.
Missed Examinations
Students who miss a mid-term or final examination for an unforeseen and petitionable reason must notify the Registrar’s Office within 24 hours of the scheduled examination. Following notification, appropriate documentation must be provided to the Registrar’s Office either before the test/exam date or within one week after the test/exam date. Failure to notify the Registrar’s Office and provide documentation within the allotted time will result in the assignment of zero for the missed examination.
Students who sit a scheduled examination will not be allowed to ask for an alternative assessment or special consideration in marking after the fact.
Guidelines for Missed Term Tests and Mid-Term Examinations
The following applies to all FKPE undergraduate courses regarding any missed term test or mid-term examination. These guidelines DO NOT apply to final examinations. Guidelines for non-FKPE courses may differ.
1. Missed Term Test or Mid-Term Exam with Appropriate Notification and Documentation1 for Absence:
- The option to write a deferred term test or mid-term exam may be given, at the discretion of the instructor2.
- Term tests and mid-term exams will only be deferred ONE time per course. The deferred test/exam will be set within four weeks of the original term test/mid-term exam date.
2. Missed Regular or Deferred Term Test/Mid-Term Exam without both Appropriate Notification and Documentation1 for Absence:
- A grade of zero will be assigned for missed regular and deferred term tests/mid-term exams without appropriate notification and documentation for absence.
3. Missed Deferred Term Test or Deferred Mid-Term Exam with Appropriate Notification and Documentation1 for Absence:
- If the final exam is NOT cumulative or the course has no final exam, a petition for suitable accommodation must be submitted to the Examinations Committee via the Registrar’s Office.
- If the final exam is cumulative the weighting of the term test or mid-term exam will be added to the final exam provided this new weighting is ≤ 75% of the final course grade. If the new weighting results in a final exam that is >75%, the student will have the option of accepting this higher weighting by notifying the Registrar’s office in writing, or petitioning for a second deferred mid-term examination with the original weighting. The timing of the second deferred mid-term examination will be at the end of term and may result in a deferred final examination.
1Appropriate Documentation refers to relevant documentation for a FKPE-accepted reason for absence. Examples include a physician-signed verification of illness or injury form, death certificate for bereavement leave, signed Varsity letter indicating absence for competition on the date of the test/exam. Note: documentation must indicate the absence overlaps the examination date. Documentation ending before or starting after the examination date is not acceptable grounds.
2At the discretion of the course instructor, in courses with cumulative final exams, there may be no option for a deferred term test/mid-term exam. In this case, the weighting of the missed evaluation will be added to the final cumulative exam. Course outlines will indicate whether or not a deferred mid-term is offered in the course.
Guidelines for Missed Final Examinations
Students who miss a final examination and provide proper notice and documentation will have a deferred examination as per the deferred final examination section below. Guidelines for non-FKPE courses may differ.
Deferred Final Examinations
A student may apply for a deferred final examination for only three reasons:
- documented medical grounds,
- documented international competition with a national team or other activities with equivalent significance, or
- documented compassionate grounds.
In each of these cases, the Examinations Committee must be convinced that the student gave the Faculty written notice at the earliest possible opportunity. In cases 1 or 3, the Registrar’s Office must receive notification within the 24 hour time limit (indicated above) and a petition with supporting documentation requesting a deferred exam must be submitted no later than the end of the examination period. In case 2, arrangements for the international competition must not be made before a student receives permission for an alternative examination date.
Students who sit a scheduled examination will not be allowed to ask for an alternative assessment or special consideration in marking after the fact. Deferred examinations from the December finals will be scheduled during the last two weeks in January.
Deferred examinations from the April finals will be scheduled in mid May. Students who missed writing during the deferred exam periods will write at the next available opportunity which may be the following year when the course is offered.
Deferred Midterm Examinations
With the addition of C.I.S. and O.U.A. league and final competitions to item 2 above, this policy follows the same guidelines as the Deferred Final Examinations Policy above.
Outstanding mid-term tests and assignments
Deadlines and penalties for late or missing work will be stated in the course outline. Professors have the authority to grant extensions of term work to no later than the last date of the examination period. Students requiring extensions beyond that date must petition. Professors may require students to formally petition for term work extensions at their discretion (See Grading Practices, Part B).
Final Exam Viewings
KPE Final Exams - Instructor Facilitated
Course instructors facilitate final exam exam viewings for a period of four weeks after final grades have been posted.
- Step 1: Contact your course instructor within four weeks of the posting of final grades to review your final exam. For privacy reasons you must send the request from your UTmail+ account.
- Step 2: The course instructor will contact you to make arrangements for a supervised viewing of the exam.
- Step 3: The exam viewing will be supervised by the course instructor or TA. An answer key will be provided for your reference. Additional reference materials (i.e. textbooks, notes) are only allowed by permission of the instructor.
Students are asked to make every attempt to view their exam within the four week period. Please contact the KPE Registrar's Office should you still wish to review your exam after the four week period or if you need assistance with contacting your instructor.
The deadline to request an exam viewing is six months after the final grade has been posted.
Other Division Exam Viewings/Reproduction
To view or request a final exam reproduction from another division at the U of T (Arts & Science, UTSC, UTM) please follow the procedures and deadlines noted on that division's website.
- Faculty of Arts & Science Exam Viewings
- University of Toronto Scarborough Exam Reproduction
- University of Toronto Mississauga Exam Reproduction