"What Happened to Walking? Encouraging Active School Travel in Toronto" was held December 2012. A multidisciplinary panel of experts addressed the walk to school and how we might create an environment more conducive to active travel for children in Toronto. Professor Guy Faulkner and his colleagues, Professor Caroline Fusco and Professor Ron Buliung, presented highlights of their multi-year study on active school travel, sharing insight on both adults' and children's perspective on safety, the pros and cons of walking to school, and children's attitudes toward walking. Keynote speaker, Toronto's new chief planner Jennifer Keesmaat, addressed the fact that children have been designed out of Toronto's public space and identified examples in downtown Toronto where walking has been made safer and more enjoyable due to better transportation infrastructure. Toronto Star architecture critic and urban affairs columnist Christopher Hume led the panel discussion for the evening and made an impassioned case for the importance of walking in Toronto.