Get into the groove of a workday workout


Douglas Rosa, personal training & nutrition coordinator at the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, shares some advice on how to maximize your time at the gym – even when it’s limited.

Between a full day of school, work, family and social commitments, not to mention errands, most people find it difficult to make time for physical activity. But the health benefits of getting active are clear: people who are active are more likely to avoid illness and injury and live longer, healthier lives.

The good news is that a little bit of physical activity goes a long way. And with the top-notch athletic facilities available to the university community through the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (KPE), it’s never been easier to sneak some physical activity into your work day. It won’t break the bank, either: faculty and staff are eligible for discounted memberships that provide unlimited access to the Athletic Centre, Varsity Centre and Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport. (All students who have paid KPE athletic incidental fees are automatically members.)

Start out by trying a variety of activities and figuring out what you like. Drop-in group fitness classes are an excellent starting point, led by expert instructors who can modify movements for all abilities. Classes in the Yoga & Mindfulness series are a great way to ease into a physical activity routine and are perfect for those who sit at a desk for most of the day. With a focus on releasing tension, improving posture and calming the mind, these classes can be a great midday pick-me-up. 

Looking to increase your heart rate? Try out some of the more active drop-in classes, like Zumba or Fit Mix. And if structured classes aren’t for you, there is a range of equipment available for independent use, from stationary bicycles to rowing machines to ellipticals – not to mention all the equipment in the strength and conditioning centres.

Even with great facilities a stone’s throw away from the office, however, it can be challenging to get a workout routine started, much less stay motivated. “Very often when working out, clients get overwhelmed by the number of exercise and equipment options they have to choose from,” says Douglas Rosa, personal training & nutrition coordinator with KPE.

Rosa recommends working with a personal trainer to maximize your time at the gym. “A trainer will help a client to ensure their goals are realistic and attainable,” he says. All the personal trainers available on staff at KPE have a personal training certification and many of them are upper year kinesiology students, graduate students or recent graduates from the kinesiology program. They are up to date with the exercise literature and eager to work with new clients. “We have a very extensive team of experts that can work with different clientele with a wide variety of goals and fitness experiences, ” Rosa promises.

That means that when you actually do make it to the gym, you’re working efficiently towards your objectives. “Our trainers study the client’s objectives ahead of time so they can plan the most effective program for the client. We take into account the client’s fitness levels and body mechanics to make sure that every workout gets you closer to your fitness goals, whatever those may be,” says Rosa.

The benefits can be felt almost immediately: improved mood, improved concentration and an increase in energy are just a few of the perks of a workday workout, according to Rosa.

“A personal trainer is a great source of motivation and accountability, and they will ensure that your workouts are fun and can be sustainable long term,” he says.


From April 9 - May 9, 2018 staff and faculty at the university can take advantage of a special membership and personal training offer.

Learn more about staff and faculty memberships at