News & Features

Students unwind with Fun Fridays sport series

Each Fun Friday features a variation on a familiar sport – like innertube water polo, pictured above, or bubble soccer, in which players wear large transparent bubbles that work like bouncy suits of…

Body image and emotion: Investigating why many adolescent girls drop out of sports

Associate Professor Catherine Sabiston is conducting a study exploring how feelings about appearance—both positive and negative—influence girls’ likelihood to stay involved in sport. Her findings…

International exploration of gym class heightens student’s skills

The opportunity came about thanks to Howe’s SSHRC grant and the Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements scholarship which funded a fourth-month research exchange anywhere in the world.   Howe was…

Hands-on heart research: a new experience for a kinesiology major

Tomasi, a fourth-year kinesiology major with the Faculty, was one of five students selected for a summer program that offers upperyear students the chance to work in a laboratory while whetting their…

Simple walk to school makes kids more active and healthy

Doctoral candidate George Mammen has worked closely with Professor Guy Faulkner and conducted extensive analysis of active transportation—including his most recent publication, “Putting school travel…

PhD students share research on the international stage

Ellen MacPherson, Elaine Cook and Jenessa Banwell –all supervised by Professor Gretchen Kerr—reaped multiple benefits from the international excursion, from taking in the local sights and getting to…

Can hosting the Pan Am Games make Toronto a healthier city?

“First of all, a legacy [of health and increased physical activity] needs to be constructed into the bid, with a plan clearly set for putting that money to use,” Donnelly explains. “If it’s not there…

Is sport really 'just a game?'

“There’s been a lot of research on how an athlete begins to define themselves by their sport, but little study on how performance is tied to self-worth,” says Poucher. “How does winning or losing…

Examining the Iranian-Canadian experience

Tajrobehkar’s research involves critically examining the experiences of newly immigrated Iranian female adolescents, their perceptions of physical education in the Canadian school system, and the…

Moving for mental health

The study involves multiple patients with schizophrenia. The participants take part in one of two activities – 20 minutes of moderate physical activity, or sitting passively for the same amount of…