News & Features

The Ball's in Your Court: Teaming up for cancer recovery

KPE researchers and Varsity Blues taking a picture break with participants of the Ball's in Your Court program Although testicular cancer accounts for a little over one per cent of all male cancers…

'Talent, creativity and commitment': U of T students, faculty and staff receive Awards of Excellence

University of Toronto students, faculty and staff were honoured with 2019 Awards of Excellence at a ceremony last week, with U of T President Meric Gertler praising the winners for the “incredible…

MoveU blogger: Balance key to success

When you’re trying to achieve a goal, it may seem realistic to restrict a whole group of foods and push your body harder than usual. But these kinds of behaviors are unsustainable over the long term…

Four KPE students honoured with 2019 Gordon Cressy Student Leadership Award

The award, established in 1994 by the U of T Alumni Association (UTAA) and the Division of University Advancement, recognizes students who have made outstanding extra-curricular contributions to…

Creating inclusive opportunities for play: U of T team to evaluate accessible playgrounds

The playgrounds, built by Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities, feature traditional play components modified for children of all abilities. That includes features like double-wide ramps for wheelchair…

MoveU blogger: How to get motivated to work out now that summer’s almost here

Treating yourself to some workout gear So I know the “treat yourself” phrase gets thrown around whenever we feel like buying ourselves things we don’t need or when we want to justify reaching for…

Twin sisters go from lab to legislature in their fight against concussions

“Concussions are a growing problem in Canada,” Swapna told MPs while she held up a graphic showing an increase in concussions among youth. “This represents a lot of sport concussions. This is just…

The zen of golf: Study finds as little as seven minutes of meditation can improve your game

Before going out on an indoor (synthetic) putting green, the study participants had their brain wave activity measured with a portable electroencephalogram (EEG) device called MUSETM. After a first…

MoveU blogger: Why you should put down the books and go to sleep

Benefits of sleep Exercise We all know how important being active is, especially during stressful times like exam season. But it turns out that sleep may play a vital role in allowing us to achieve…

Varsity Blues remember Andy Higgins

Under his leadership, the Blues won 21 Ontario University Athletics (OUA) track titles, six Canadian Interuniversity Athletic Union (recently renamed to University Sports) titles and 21 national…

MoveU blogger: Breaking down Brain Break

Luckily, there are so many awesome programs put on during exam season to help us de-stress and try to take care of ourselves a bit better. Exam Jam at Sid Smith has therapy dogs and free massages, so…

Young researchers shine at 20th annual Bertha Rosenstadt National Undergraduate Research Conference

The conference, hosted by KPE since 1999, provides undergraduate kinesiology students with a platform to present literature reviews, critiques, term papers, findings from research projects or works…