Coronavirus (COVID-19) information for the U of T community

Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and U of T's response, including Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Latest message: March 25, 2020, 8:40am EDT


The University is supporting the efforts of our country and our province as we implement measures aimed at containing and responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yesterday, Premier Doug Ford announced the mandatory closure of all non-essential workplaces, except for a list of essential services, effective midnight tonight.

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you what this means for the University of Toronto.

We continue to be committed to delivering three fundamental elements of the University’s core mission:

  • ensuring that our students can complete their term,
  • providing a place to live for those students in residence who are unable to return home, and
  • supporting the critical COVID-19 and time-sensitive research endeavors of our world-class scholars.

The province indicated that businesses that are able to continue working remotely or online should do so. Therefore, the University will continue our work in terms of teaching, research and other business remotely.


All libraries will close as of 6 PM, Tuesday, March 24, 2020.  We know a small number of students continued to use our libraries in recent days in order to access their courses, and efforts are underway on all three campuses to support individual requests. Students should use the Contact Us button located at the top of the FAQ section on the University web site, indicating their campus, in order to receive additional information.  


Essential areas

Work in areas explicitly listed by the province as essential, such as campus police, food facilities, institutional maintenance and information technology support will also continue. Critical staff supporting those functions will need to come to our campuses for work.

Academic Continuity

We are continuing to offer courses through alternative means without in-person meetings or class sessions, and all Faculties have notified students of plans for the final examination period. Details about the offering of summer courses will be available in the coming days. Thank you for the dedication and creativity of all those who contributed to this effort. Resources for instructors are available from the Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation.

Student Residences and Services

The University last week asked students who live in residence, and who are able to return home, to do so. We continue to provide a welcoming home for international students, students whose family members are in self-isolation, and out-of-province students who need more time to make travel arrangements. Our dedicated residence staff are continuing to support students living on our campuses and the province has listed student residences as one of the essential services that will remain open. More information for students in residences is available on the Office of the Vice-Provost Students website.

Our accessibility services continue to provide support to students, and Student Life has moved many co-curricular events and workshops online to help students stay motivated, focused and connected.


As of Friday, March 20, 2020, only those research labs that are conducting critical COVID-19 related research and time-sensitive critical projects with exemptions may continue.

For any research projects that have received an exemption to continue, the University is requiring social distancing as a measure to help disrupt the chain of transmission of COVID-19 in an effort to protect vulnerable individuals and to reduce overburden on our healthcare system. All those in research environments should continue to review the information from the University’s homepage, which is continually updated.

All other research should continue, as possible, remotely. No other on-campus research (i.e., research activities that have not received exemptions from the University) may be conducted.

Maintaining Operations and Working Remotely

Since March 16, a significant portion of U of T’s workforce has begun to work remotely and will continue to do so until further notice.

The province is encouraging those who can continue to work remotely to do so. We are in the process of assessing the Ontario essential workplace list and will notify employees in positions where there may be an impact in terms of requirements to be physically present on our campuses. At this time, only individuals in U of T-identified critical positions that require them to be on site may report to work on our three campuses. Individuals in these positions will be notified by their Divisional HR offices. 

If you have questions about travel insurance, equipment, or other HR matters, please visit the HR & Equity COVID-19 website.

These are extraordinary times and we want to thank each of you for the adaptability and commitment you continue to show each day.  The University is indebted to your talent and resourcefulness during a time when each day brings new challenges. 

For all the latest information, please see the University’s Coronavirus page. Please take the time to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). If you or members of your unit have a question that is not covered, please consider using the Contact Us button located at the top of the FAQ section to submit your question.

View previous messages from the University


Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated: March 24, 2020, 5:30pm EDT (Updated questions 1, 10, 12, 13, 21 and 23)

Still have COVID-19 questions?



Campus Life, Classes and Events

1. Should students, staff or faculty with flu-like symptoms attend class/work?

2. I live in residence and think I may have flu-like symptoms. What should I do?

3. Should students, staff or faculty with flu-like symptoms be excluded from class/work?

4. Should anyone with a travel history to an affected region be excluded from class/work?

5. Will classes be cancelled?

6. Should I cancel or postpone my event?

7. I am in a health care setting off-campus. Are there additional precautions I should take?


8. I am affected by travel restrictions and cannot return to Canada. What should I do?

9. I am planning to travel in the coming days. What should I do?

10. I am a student currently abroad on university activity. What should I do?

Faculty and staff

11. What if I feel unsafe in the workplace or have concerns about someone else who is ill in my work area?

12. Am I at risk for COVID-19 from a package or products shipping from China?

13. I have booked travel arrangements in relation to a funded research initiative and the event has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Is this expense eligible to remain as a charge on my research fund?

14. Where can I find information about academic continuity and teaching?

COVID-19 information

15. What is the Coronavirus?


Campus life, classes and events

1. Who should come to campus?

2. What should I do if I have flu-like symptoms?

3. Is the University increasing its cleaning?

4. Should anyone with a travel history outside Canada come to campus or work?

5. Are classes cancelled?

6. Should we be cancelling events/conferences?

7. How will exams be affected?

8. I am a student in residence. Where do I go for information?

9. Will summer session courses be offered?

10. What is the University’s status?

11. I am in a health-care setting off-campus. Are there additional precautions I should take?


12. I am a U of T employee abroad. What should I do?

13. I am planning to travel in the coming days. What should I do?

14. I am a student abroad affected by recent travel restrictions and advisories. What can I do?

15. I am an international student or faculty member currently outside the country. When can I return to Canada?

Faculty, librarians and staff

16. Where can I go for human resources information?

17. What if I feel unsafe in the workplace or have concerns about someone else who is ill in my work area?

18. Am I at risk for COVID-19 from a package or products shipping from affected regions?

19. Where can I go for information related to research?

20. Where can I find information about academic continuity and teaching?

21. Am I able to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic?

22. I am unable to secure child care due to COVID-19 related closures. What should I do?

23. Will I continue to be paid if there are operational changes to my unit?

24. My job requires that I work alone at times on campus. Are there resources I can access?

25. As a faculty member, am I able to request a delay in the timeline for my tenure or continuing status review as a result of COVID-19?

26. As a librarian, will I be able to request a delay in the date of my review for permanent status due to COVID-19?

COVID-19 information

27. What is the Coronavirus?

28. What is the risk?

29. What are the symptoms of novel COVID-19?

30. What can I do to protect myself?

31. Should I wear a mask?

32. What does self-isolation mean?

33. Can COVID-19 spread through building and office ventilation systems?

34. I heard there was a confirmed COVID-19 case in my building. Why was I not informed?

Information by Faculty


16. What is the risk?

17. What are the symptoms of novel COVID-19?

18. What can I do to protect myself?

19. Should I wear a mask?

20. What does self-isolation mean?