
Physician visits are covered by your valid OHIP card, other provincial health card or UHIP.

Fees vary for U of T students and private patients (patients who are not U of T students).

Fee TypePrice

Therapy Admin Fee (annually May 1 - April 30)

Fee Increase May 1, 2023

Assessment & Treatment included as prescribed

Missed Appointments (with escalating fee schedule)$35.00-$80.00

Fee TypePrice
Therapy Assessment (appointment time includes treatment & charting)$135.00
Therapy Treatment (appointment time includes treatment & charting)$95.00
Missed Appointments Physician $35.00

Missed Appointments Therapist: 

First time (1/2 of appointment charge) 

Recurring times (full appointment charge)

$67.50 / $47.50

$135.00 / $95.00

Fee TypePrice
Release of Information (please allow 2 weeks)

$30/20 pages

$0.25/additional page

$10 postage charge

Physician Letters/FormsVaried Pricing
Duplicate (prescription or note)$5.00
Crutches $54.32
Bracing (see samples in showcase)Varied Pricing

We require 24-hour notice to cancel or change appointments without penalty.

We accept Interac, VISA, MasterCard, American Express and cheques (payable to the University of Toronto). NO CASHPlease note: A $35.00 fee will apply to any cheques returned by the bank.

Invoices will reflect which services have HST added.

The Faculty reserves the right to deny entry to anyone who is in default of payment of clinic fees.