News & Features

Researchers call for independent complaint processes to advance safe sports in Canada

However, although prohibited behaviours have now been identified in the UCCMS, there is still a long way to go to attain safe sport, according to a group of researchers at the University of Toronto…

MoveU blogger goes running at the Athletic Centre

I didn’t know it was possible to run in winter, what with the cold and the slush on the streets. But my friend is a wizard, so she knew, and about an hour and a half after Fit Mix, we were walking…

To be on the right side of history, the IOC must rule out sex testing at the Tokyo Olympics

As the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo approaches, a chill is descending upon the women athletes of the world: the fear that the International Olympic Committee will reinstitute the female sex test.…

U of T takes steps to protect and inform community members during coronavirus outbreak

In addition to monitoring the situation closely, U of T is working with students through the Safety Abroad Office and has reached out to all students registered with the office who are in China,…

MoveU blogger: Commuter snacks: The ultimate guide

The downside of staying longer is hunger, and what it inevitably leads to- ill-advised fast food purchases that are bad for you and your wallet. I know everybody worships the Brown Food Truck, and…

MoveU to a HappyU: Faculty expands physical activity program to improve mental health for all students

“For all the wonder and excitement that comes from being a university student, there’s also the pressure that’s brought on by things such as multiple looming deadlines, social challenges and…

Supporting the psychological well-being of athletes: What can coaches do?

There has recently been an increasing number of athletes bravely coming forward to share their stories about the psychological distress and associated mental health challenges they experienced during…

A powerhouse reborn: Varsity Blues back in chase for the David Johnston University Cup

Last season, the Toronto Varsity Blues finished one point ahead of the Lakehead Thunderwolves and Waterloo Warriors, earning them the eighth and final playoff spot in the OUA west division. This year…

Latest coronavirus updates for the U of T community

We will continue to keep our community informed of new developments through the U of T website and urge those seeking information to consult trusted sources such as Symptoms…

Training on a low-carb diet boosts protein needs for endurance athletes: U of T researchers

Jenna Gillen (left) and Daniel Moore (right) are both researchers in U of T’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education  How would you define a low-carb/high-fat diet vs. a high-carb/low-fat…

MoveU blogger: Eight ways to a healthy immune system

According to Harvard Health Publishing, there are some steps you can take towards a healthy immune system: •    Don't smoke. Everyone knows about smoking and lung cancer. Smoking hasn’t been cool…

SPARK: An on-campus wellness initiative facilitated by the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education

How did the SPARK program first get started? SPARK is part of the MPK Program offered at U of T. Within this Program, MPK graduate students have the option to select one of four in-house placements,…