Bruce Kidd Field House is a fun house, says student blogger

Students shooting hoops in the Bruce Kidd Field House (photo by Oscar Starschild)
Students shooting hoops in the Bruce Kidd Field House (photo by Oscar Starschild)

Student blogger Oscar Starschild decided to have some fun in the Athletic Centre field house this week. Biggest discovery? Don't regret not doing something, just do something else. And, at the Bruce Kidd field house, there's lots to do. You just have to take your pick - or try it all!

Everyone may relate, at one time or another, to the regret of having missed out on something. Sometimes we simply forget to register for an event and other times registration is full. Either way, we don’t get to partake and so are sidelined regretting not doing what we originally wanted. But even then, you can and should do something else. Look to what else is going on or try and do the impossible by making something out of nothing (well, not really nothing; but you know what I mean).

At the Athletic Centre, I tried doing just that. On the third floor is the Bruce Kidd Field House (accessible via stairs or elevator) and with 57,000 square feet of space, there’s a lot of fun to be had up there. You can sign out a basketball and shoot hoops. Play volleyball. Use exercise machines. Run around the track. Or, best of all, try and do it all.

Doing it all is a kind of do-it-yourself circuit training which, in a way, can feel a lot less monotonous than focusing on any single thing for your workout. In the Field House, I warmed up with several laps around the track before using some of the exercise machines, doing some rowing and sprints, then played a bit of pick-up basketball and, finally, cooled down with a light jog. It was a great way to forget about what I missed out on and get in a good workout.

Just remember that, even when you miss out on something, there’s always something else you can do. So, give the Field House a try and discover something else, for yourself!