News & Features

Blue Monday isn't real, but the winter blues are no joke: KPE's Catherine Sabiston explains how being active can help

Catherine Sabiston, a professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) at the University of Toronto, debunks the myth of Blue Monday and warns about the very real effects of…

Paralympian Stephanie Dixon adds U of T master’s degree to her long list of achievements

At the 2000 Paralympic Games in Sydney, Australia, 16-year-old swimmer Stephanie Dixon won five gold medals — the Canadian record for most golds at a single game.  Dixon views that competition as a…

KPE alum & Canadian Olympian Kylie Masse unveils signature wine label

"I am excited and happy to be partnering with Pillitteri Estates Winery to have a branded wine in my name," said Masse, who swam for the Varsity Blues while studying at U of T, following the official…

Speaking out for human rights: KPE’s Sabrina Razack speaks at Sporting Chance Forum

Other speakers included Carla Qualtrough, Canada’s Minister of Sport, Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, and Caster Semenya, South Africa’s middle-…

Undisputed champion: Donovan Bailey launches memoir at U of T Faculty of KPE

Donovan Bailey spoke with Kayla Grey about his memoir Undisputed: A Champion's Life at the KPE Goldring Centre for High Performance Sport last Thursday. With seven gold and five silver medals to his…

Jude Bek wins fellowship to pursue research project to support neurorehabilitation for Parkinson’s

This is an issue Jude Bek, a postdoctoral fellow in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education (KPE) at the University of Toronto, hopes to help address with her new research. She was recently…

Joe’s Basketball Diaries: Season 2 launches with episode on community

  For Joseph Wong, basketball is more than a hobby or a passion – it’s a platform to foster meaningful conversations about community, sustainability, diversity and equity, and reconciliation. As…

Incidence of concussions after hits to the side of the head decreased following NHL’s Rule 48: Study

The incidence and proportion of concussions suffered by NHL players following hits to the lateral side of the head reduced substantially following the implementation of the league’s Rule 48,…

University of Toronto honours top scholar student-athletes

University of Toronto Vice President and Provost, Professor Cheryl Regehr, Professor Gretchen Kerr, dean of the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, Beth Ali, executive director of…

How much exercise is too much? Study looks into effect of exercising beyond recommended levels

“Endurance exercise training is generally considered good for the heart, as moderate to vigorous physical activity reduces all-cause mortality,” says Robert Bentley, an assistant professor at the…

KPE researchers sweep awards at North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS) conference

Associate Professor Tricia McGuire-Adams and Assistant Professor Janelle Joseph, along with other members of The Re-Creation Collective, won the Outstanding Sociology of Sport Journal (SSJ) Article…