News & Features

New study makes case for renewed commitment to gender equality in interuniversity sport

The study, published recently in the International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, combined results from four separate studies of gender equality in Canadian inter-university sport conducted…

Activity levels among children with autism spectrum disorder linked to parental behaviour: U of T study

“We know that parent support for physical activity is critical for engaging children and youth with disabilities in physical activity, although it may be especially important for children and youth…

Sport & Rec blog: The best way to overcome October chills? Squad training

Okay, I know that exercising outside in mid-October sounds tortuous, but hear me out— the Squad Training: Fitness FUNdations outdoor workouts are worth braving the weather. Plus, you’ll be sweating…

Study examines impact of Respect in Sport Parent Program on psychosocial experiences of minor hockey athletes

A study from the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education examined the impact of Respect in Sport Parent Program on athletes’ psychosocial development among minor hockey…

Sport & Rec Blog: What I learned from the Big HIIT workout - and why you should do it, too

“40 seconds of split jumps folks, starting…now!” instructs the U of T Sport & Rec coach.  Alrighty, I think as I begin the first exercise of the online HIIT workout class I’m attending…but my…

From Tokyo 1964 to Tokyo 2020: Reflections of an Olympic activist

Thank you very much for this great honour and for your perseverance during these unsettling times. I regret that the pandemic makes it impossible for us to meet in person.  Much has changed within…

“You’re already a step ahead,” alumni tell students in KINections Career Café

This was one of the key takeaways from the KINections Career Café, an annual event that connects KPE alumni with students for an evening of career exploration. Like most other things, this year’s…

Anatomy on the half shell: U of T alumnus draws on education to become champion oyster shucker

Born into a family of teachers, McMurray planned to become a teacher after completing his bachelor’s degree in physical health and education at U of T in 1993. Yet, McMurray says his undergraduate…

KPE’s Janelle Joseph wins Connaught New Researcher Award

The annual awards are provided to U of T assistant professors within the first five years of a tenure-stream academic appointment to help them establish strong research programs.  “Physical literacy…

Learning online: KPE faculty and students share insights and tips

Ashley Stirling, associate professor, teaching stream, and vice dean of academics at KPE, explains the Faculty is committed to maintaining academic excellence while thoughtfully evolving in response…

Keeping the community spirit alive: KPE launches KINections

Ask any student at the Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education (KPE) what they love most about KPE and you’ll probably get the same answer: the sense of community. This fall, that community…

An unprecedented week in sport: U of T experts weigh in on major leagues postponing games and matches to protest racial injustice

We spoke to Assistant Professor Janelle Joseph and Associate Professor Simon Darnell of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education about the unprecedented week in sport…