Explore how to support a system that empowers people towards wellbeing, instead of promoting a lack of care for larger bodies.
About this Event
Join Afro-futurist Stephanie Chrismon to better understand anti-fat bias within healthcare, from a race and gender-based intersectional approach.
Disordered eating is inherited. And it impacts communities in a variety of different ways. Often, disordered eating is not about that act of binging and purging as associated with bulimia or the starvation methods associated with anorexia; but a complex (and sometimes) accepted way in which we have a relationship with food. Body size, image, and the ways we talk about these issues and the way we consume or regard food are always part of the "personal choice" model of historical conversations around body size. But when we delve deeper, food deserts, destruction of Indigenous diets, and other structural inequities are often absent from the narrative.
We call "obesity" a public health crisis but how do we address disordered eating without fat-shaming or disrespecting food traditions within diverse communities? How do we show up as caring professionals and still work with diverse communities on the joy of “ordered” eating?
To learn more about Stephanie and her work please check her website.
This session will be hosted on BlackBoard Collaborate - an online webinar hosting suite that requires no additional downloads or apps. The link to access the session will be emailed to you the day before the session.
Presented in partnership with the U of T Faculty of Kinesiology Graduate Students, and Dalla Lana School of Public Health as part of the U of T Sport & Rec - Annual Diversity & Equity Conference.
If you require accommodation(s) in order to participate, please e-mail edib.sportandrec@utoronto.ca to inquire about making appropriate arrangements.