Types of Squash Courts
The Athletic Centre has a total of nine squash courts, five English and four American style. Please note that international (English) court availability is limited and courts book up quickly. Typically, more court space is available in September, December, January and April through June.
Booking Squash & Table Tennis Courts
Current U of T students and members may book squash courts online at recreation.utoronto.ca. Court bookings are only available online. Court bookings are open 48 hrs before each time slot.
Court Check-in Procedures
In addition to scanning your TCard or membership card to gain access to the facility, you must ask staff working at the main Athletic Centre turnstiles to check you in for your court booking. Please note that scanning your membership or TCard alone does not check you in for your court automatically. Please be on the court within 10 minutes of the start of your court booking time to be counted as present. Sport & Rec staff may ask to see your TCard or membership card during spot checks. Detailed instructions are available below.
Court cancellations
If you have booked a court and can no longer attend your booking, please cancel it as far in advance as possible at recreation.utoronto.ca. Detailed instructions are available below. Please be considerate of others; cancelling your court bookings as far in advance as possible allows others to book and use the courts.
IMPORTANT: New Check-In Procedure
All members and students are required to check in for their court bookings at the Athletic Centre equipment counter (beside the turnstiles). When scanning your TCard/membership card, ask staff working at the counter to check you in on the computer for your court booking. Individuals who do not check in for their court will be counted as a no-show.. Repeated “no-shows” may result in loss of booking privileges for a period of time. Continued non check-ins will result in longer suspension time periods.
Members are asked to cancel their bookings (online or in person) in advance to allow others to book the courts. Courts cannot be cancelled after the start of the booking time.
How to Book and Cancel a Court Online
If you want to book a court online follow these steps:
1. Go to https://recreation.utoronto.ca/ and click on the court reservation icon.
2. You will be asked to sign in: students, faculty and staff will use the long blue UTORID button to login. All community members, including alumni members, will need to create a new account for the new website. Accounts created in the previous system will no longer work.
3. From the menu on the left side of the screen - choose the type of court you would like to book: Squash, Table TenniS. Ensure you are choosing the courts labeled as AC-Sport&Rec.
4. When the courts are available a clickable "Reserve" button will appear under a specific court number. Click on "Reserve" on the time and court you want to reserve.
6. Click the "Reserve Now" button that pops up.Your booking is complete and you will be sent an email confirmation to the email address on your account.
If you wish to cancel your court booking follow these steps:
1. While signed in to https://recreation.utoronto.ca/ click your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen.
2. In the drop down menu that appears choose "Profile".
3. Choose "Court Bookings" from the left hand menu.
4. Locate the booking you wish to cancel from the list and press the "Cancel" button.
5. Click on the "Remove Booking" button on the resulting pop-up.
Equipment / What to wear
Participants are asked to wear comfortable athletic attire while joining in drop-in activities. Athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all drop-in activity areas.
- Non-marking, closed-toed, activity-appropriate footwear is required. Please make sure shoes are free of debris before entering the facility.
- Socks, barefoot and back-less shoes will not be allowed at anytime.
- A shirt is required during all drop-in activities.
- Jeans and dress pants are not permitted.
- Sport & Rec staff has final say in determining appropriate clothing.
Squash racquets and balls can be rented for $2 plus HST. Limited quantities may be available according to demand. Participants are responsible for bringing their own protective eyewear.
Etiquette / Rules
Please review squash court rights and responsibilities before participating in drop-in programs.