Participant Pairs Needed: Dyad Golf Study

Who can participate?

  • People with little to no experience in any stick sports (i.e. golf, hockey)
  • Right-hand dominant
  • Recruiting pairs or individuals, (individuals who are interested will be paired with another participate)

What is involved?

  • 2 days of lab testing performing a golf putting task:
    • Day 1: 60-90 minute session
    • Day 2: 15-20 minute session
  • Short survey completed on both days


The University of Toronto’s Action and Attention Lab

55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2WD

Warren Stevens building, Room 2048

What’s in it for you?

  • An opportunity to contribute to scientific research
  • Compensation for your time ($30) 

If you and a partner are interested in participating, please contact Sara at or Martina at