Ira Jacobs

Ira Jacobs, Professor, Exercise Physiology

  • Professor, Exercise Physiology
  • Director, Tanenbaum Institute for Science in Sport

About Ira

Academic Training

Doctor of Medical Sciences (clinical physiology), Karolinska Institute, Sweden, 1981

Master of Human Kinetics (exercise physiology), University of Windsor, 1978

Diploma in Physical Education and Teaching Licence (physical education), Wingate Institute, Israel, 1976

Graduate Student Recruitment Status
Dr. Jacobs is not currently accepting primary supervisory responsibilities for any new graduate students.
Research Interests

Exercise physiology

Human skeletal muscle metabolism

Physiological adaptations to acute short-term, high intensity exercise

Nutritional and/or pharmacological interventions affecting exercise  performance

Exercise pharmacology

Physiological responses and adaptations to environmental extremes

Selected Publications

McLaughlin, M., *K. Dizon, I. Jacobs. (2024). The effects of aerobic exercise and heat stress on the unbound fraction of caffeine. Frontiers in Physiology. 

Farra, S., I. Jacobs. (2024). Arterial desaturation rate does not influence self-selected isometric knee extension force, but alters the ventilatory response to progressive hypoxia. Physiological Reports. 12 : e15892, 2024. 

Macdonald, D., I. Jacobs, E. Tsung-Min Hung, K., Fasting. (2023). Is there a global narrative for kinesiology? Kinesiology Review 13(1):100-104, 2023. 

Di Vincenzo, J., L. O’Brien, I. Jacobs, M. Jawad, F. Ceban, S. Meshkat, H. Gill, A. Tabassum, L. Phan, S. Badulescu, J.D. Rosenblat, R. McIntyre, R.B. Mansur. (2023). Indirect calorimetry to measure metabolic rate and energy expenditure in psychiatric populations: a systematic review. Nutrients. 15(7), p.1686. 

O’Brien, I. Jacobs. (2022). Potential physiological responses contributing to the ergogenic effects of acute ischemic preconditioning: a narrative review. Frontiers in Physiology 13. 

Divito, B., M. McLaughlin, I. Jacobs. (2021). The effects of L-Citrulline on blood-lactate removal kinetics following maximal-effort exercise. Journal of Dietary Supplements. 2021. 

Ahmed, M., Mandic, I., Lou, W., Goodman, L., Jacobs, I., & L’Abbé, M. R. (2017). Validation of a Tablet Application for Assessing Dietary Intakes Compared with the Measured Food Intake/Food Waste Method in Military Personnel Consuming Field Rations. Nutrients, 9(3), 200. 

Farra, S., S. Cheung, S. Thomas, I. Jacobs. Rate dependent influence of arterial desaturation on self-selected exercise intensity during cycling. PLoS ONE 12(3), 2017.

McLaughlin, M. I. Jacobs. Exercise is medicine, but may interfere with medicine. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 45 (3) : 127-135, 2017.

Mandic, I., M. Ahmed, S. Rhind, L. Goodman, M. L’Abbe, I Jacobs. The effects of exercise and ambient temperature on dietary intake, appetite sensation, and appetite regulating hormone concentrations. Nutrition & Metabolism 16: Article number: 29, 2019.

Gavel, E.H.,H. Logan-Sprenger, J. Good, I. Jacobs, S.Thomas. Menthol mouth rinsing and cycling performance in females under heat stress. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 16: 1014-1020, 2020.

Ahmed, M., I. Mandic, W. Lou, L. Goodman, I. Jacobs, M.R. L’Abbé. Consumption of Canadian Armed Forces field rations compared with usual home dietary intakes and military dietary reference intakes. Military Medicine usab222, 12 June 2021.

Farra, S. D., Kessler, C., Duffin, J., Wells, G. D., & Jacobs, I. (2016). Clamping end-tidal carbon dioxide during graded exercise with control of inspired oxygen. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology, 231, 28–36. 

Supervised Theses

Pharmacokinetics and Performance Effects in Humans of Ingesting Modafinil Combined with Caffeine.

Effects of Alpha-Lipoic Acid Dietary Supplementation on Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Repletion Rates.

Physiological Adaptations to Three Weeks of Combined Aerobic and Anaerobic Training. 

Skeletal Muscle Fatigue and +Gz Tolerance in Humans. 

Effects of Caffeine Combined With Ephedrine on Muscular Strength and Endurance.

Skeletal Muscle Substrate Availability and Temperature Regulation During Cold Water Immersion in Humans.

Creatine:  A Potential Ergogenic Aid

Feed-Forward Regulation of Self-Selected Exercise Intensity in Response to Different Rates of Arterial Deoxygenation

Effects of Environmental and Physical Stress on Energy Expenditure, Energy Intake, and Appetite

The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on the Distribution and Metabolism of Select Xenobiotics

An Examination of the Effects of Localized Ischemic Preconditioning on Anaerobic Arm Cycling Performance in Water Sport Athletes

Professional Memberships

Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Kinesiology

Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology