These 2-minute exercise bursts may be better than your regular workout

Image of people running up stairs by Fang Xia Nuo
Image of people running up stairs by Fang Xia Nuo

Exercise ‘snacks’ don’t require a gym membership, special shoes or other equipment, and the time commitment is minimal. Daniel Moore, an associate professor at KPE, spoke to The Washington Post about the easy and effective way to add physical activity to your daily routine during the new year: turn your exercise into a snack.

Here’s an easy and effective way to add physical activity to your daily routine during the new year: turn your exercise into a snack.

New research shows exercise “snacks,” which consist of brief spurts of exertion spread throughout the day, can improve metabolic health, raise endurance and stave off some of the undesirable changes in our muscles that otherwise occur when we sit too long.

“It’s a very practical approach” to physical activity, said , an associate professor of muscle physiology at the University of Toronto in Canada, who led a 2022 study of exercise snacking and muscle health.

Read the full article in The Washington Post.