2016 Dean's Student Leadership Awards announced

2016 Dean's Student Leadership Award recipients

Ryan Schwenger’s motto has always been that some of the best learning is done outside of the classroom and on March 30, he and his twin brother, Eric, were both recognized with a 2016 Dean's Student Leadership Award. Established in 2004, the awards recognize University of Toronto students who have played a significant leadership role in extracurricular activities and in so doing have improved the quality of the university experience for the broad student community.

Ryan has been the co-chair of the Governance Board for Athletics and Recreation and many of its reporting committees since 2015. He has been the captain of the KPE men’s intramural basketball since 2014 and has participated in a long list of other intramural sports, including co-ed intramural handball, basketball and volleyball. He worked as a referee in intramural men’s and women’s soccer and was on the KPE frosh executive team in 2013-15, planning orientation for incoming students.

“I’ve learned so much in all my extracurricular engagements and this award is just a reminder that people appreciate what we do,” said Ryan, who is enrolled in concurrent Bachelor of Physical Education and Bachelor of Education programs. “I hope that we’ve improved student life at the University of Toronto, especially at my beloved faculty of KPE.”

Ryan and Eric were among the 22 students recognized by the Faculty for their extracurricular efforts. On hand to congratulate the winners and hand out the awards were acting director of physical activity and equity Jen Leake, acting dean Gretchen Kerr, acting assistant dean of co-curricular sport and director of intercollegiate and high performance sport Beth Ali, and assistant vice president of student life Lucy Fromowitz

"I am continually impressed by the versatility of talents, energy and dedication our student leaders demonstrate inside and outside of the classroom," said Kerr as she addressed the crowd. "You are examples of how to contribute and be engaged with the University."

Third year mechanical engineering student Katherine Lonergan was presented with the Kirkwood Award, in recognition of her contribution to the work of the U of T Council on Athletics and Recreation and its committees. Kate is the founder of the Blues Engineering student group and was on the women's volleyball team from 2013 to 2015, working as an assistant instructor of volleyball at Camp U of T in 2014. Recently ranked in the 93rd percentile of her class, she is also on the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Dean's List, for her work on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Reinvent the Toilet Challenge.

Angie Bellehumeur was awarded the Hill-Powell Award as the female student who provided the most valuable contribution to the administration of athletics and recreation programs at KPE. Angie is doing a double major in Environmental Geography and Environmental Studies. She has been a member of the women's volleyball Varsity team since 2011, taking home the OUA women's volleyball gold medal in 2015. In addition to volunteering for the Varsity board, Angie has been active in the Athlete Ally subcommittee, championing for LGBTQ inclusion across campus, and in the Blues Buddy Up program, fostering growth among school children. 

The McCutcheon Award was jointly awarded to twin brothers Eric and Ryan Schwenger for their valuable contributions to the administration of athletics and recreation programs at KPE. Eric, now in his fourth year of Ethics, Society and Law went from being a student representative to chair of the Men's Intramural Sports Committee. He was chair of the Intramural Review Discipline Board and helped edit and improve the Intramural Handbook. Eric plays intramural soccer, basketball and volleyball, and has shown considerable skills as game manager, referee and coach. He was delighted to share the award with his brother.

"It feels great to be able to share this experience with Ryan," Eric said. "We engage in a lot of our leadership activities together, so it makes a lot of sense to be recognized together and we're both very appreciative. “

And, he had some advice for younger students. "Getting involved in extra-curricular activities is really the missing piece of the puzzle of engaging in a meaningful student experience here at U of T. There's only so much you can learn and do inside the classroom, but I've found that it's my activities outside of class that have defined my time here and given me the skills to succeed after graduation."

The Schwenger twins posing with mom and dad

Acting dean Kerr concluded the ceremony by applauding the students once again on their accomplishments and wishing them every success on the road ahead. And then it was time for pictures - lots and lots of pictures of proud students, beaming parents and delighted faculty and staff.

Below see the full list of the 2016 KPE Dean's Student Leadership Award recipients:

LAMIA AGANAGIC, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

ANGIE BELLEHUMEUR, Faculty of Arts & Science

NATALIE BIANCOLIN, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

NIKI FIRMALINO, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

DARNELL GIRARD, Faculty of Arts & Science

KAYLEE HEYENS, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

STEPHANIE HO, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

LAURIE HONG, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

PATRICK JACHYRA, Faculty of Medicine

KIMBERLEY JOVANOV, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

KATE LONERGAN, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering

EARLA-ASHLEE MASSIAH, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

ROBERTSON MCCLURE, Faculty of Arts & Science

MACKENZIE MCLAUGHLIN, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

SANDHYA MYLABATHULA, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

JONATHAN NAVARRO, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

KONSTANTINA NICOLOPOULOS, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

ROXY O’ROURKE, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

ERIC SCHWENGER, Faculty of Arts & Science

RYAN SCHWENGER, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

DARRIN WIJEYARATNAM, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education

RICHARD YU, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education