Peter Donnelly, Professor Emeritus, Sport Policy & Politics

A picture of Peter Donnelly

Peter Donnelly, Professor Emeritus, Sport Policy & Politics

  • Professor Emeritus, Sport Policy & Politics
55 Harbord Street, Toronto, ON M5S 2W6

About Peter

Academic Training

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1980

M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1976

B.A., Hunter College, City University of New York, 1973

Certificate in Education, Physical Education and Geography, City of Birmingham College of Education, England, 1967

Research Interests

Sport subcultures

Children in high performance sport

Sport and space

Sociology of risk taking

Application of ‘cultural studies’ theory and research to the study of sport and leisure practices

Sport and social inequality

Sport policy and politics

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed articles

Donnelly, P. (2016). Power, politics, and the Olympic Games: Vancouver 2010 and other cases. Japanese Journal of Sport Sociology, 24(1), 1-21.

Donnelly, P. (2015). Assessing the sociology of sport: On public sociology of sport and research that makes a difference.International Review for the Sociology of Sport 50(3/4): 419-423.

Donnelly, P., Kerr, G., Heron, A., & DiCarlo, D. (2014). Protecting youth in sport: an examination of harassment policiesInternational Journal of Sport Policy and Politics  DOI:10.1080/19406940.2014.958180   

Donnelly, P. (2014). Buen Vivir [Sumak Kawsay]: Notes on the consideration of sport as a cultural commonsMovimento, 20: 211-226. 

Donnelly, P., A. Braga & A. Aisenstein (2014). For a public sociology of sport in the Americas: An editorial call on behalf of a socially engaged scholarship on sport and physical educationMovimento, 20, n. esp. 9-20. 

Donnelly, P. (2015). What if the players controlled the game?: Dealing with the consequences of the crisis of governance in sportsEuropean Journal for Sport and Society 12(1): 11-30.

Book Chapters

Donnelly, P. (2014). Sport participation. In, J. Harvey & L. Thibault (eds.). Sport Policy in Canada. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Donnelly, P. & Kidd, B. (2015). Two solitudes: grass roots sport and high performance sport in Canada. In R. Bailey & M. Talbot (Eds.), Elite Sport and Sport For All: Bridging the Two Cultures. London, UK: Routledge.

Donnelly, P. (2015). We are the Game?: Player democratization and the reform of sport governance. In, Y. Vanden Auweele, E. Cook & J. Parry (Eds.), Ethics and Governance in Sport: The Future in Sport Imagined. London: Routledge.ISBN : 9781315679501

Donnelly, P. & B. Kidd (2015). Two Solitudes: Grassroots sport and high performance sport in Canada. In, M. Talbot & R. Bailey (Eds.). The Two Cultures: Bridging the Gap Between Sport for All and Elite Sport. London: Routledge. 

Donnelly, P. & M. Atkinson (2015). Interpretive approaches in the sociology of sport. In, R. Giulianotti (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of Sport. London: Routledge. 

Donnelly, P. & M. Atkinson (2015). Where history meets biography: Toward a public sociology of sport. In, R. Field (ed.),Playing for Change: The Continuing Struggle for Sport and Recreation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 

Donnelly, P. (2015). Sport, culture and subcultures. In, G. Ritzer (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2ndedition). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.

Donnelly, P. (2015). Sport as work. In, G. Ritzer (ed.), Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd edition). Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.


[Japanese translation of selected chapters of: Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies (2nd Canadian edition]. Tokyo: Nansosya. [reprinted: 2013]

Donnelly, P. (Ed.) (2011).  Taking Sport Seriously:  Social Issues in Canadian Sport (3rd edition, completely revised). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.

Coakley, J. & P. Donnelly (2011). Gendai Sports no Syakaigaku – Kadai to Kyouseiheno michinori (Current sociology of sport - Issues and process to achieve coexistence).

Coakley, J. & P. Donnelly (2009). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies (2nd Canadian edition).  Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.

Research Reports

Donnelly, P. & M. K. Donnelly (2013). The London 2012 Olympics: A Gender Equality Audit. Centre for Sport Policy Studies Research Report. Toronto: Centre for Sport Policy Studies, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto.

Donnelly, P. & M.K. Donnelly (2013). Sex Testing, Naked Inspections and the Olympic Games – A Correction to: The London 2012 Olympics – A Gender Equality Audit. Centre for Sport Policy Studies Research Report. Toronto: Centre for Sport Policy Studies, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto.

Donnelly, P., Norman, M. & Kidd, B. (2013). Gender Equity in Canadian Interuniversity Sport: A Biennial Report (No. 2).Toronto: Centre for Sport Policy Studies (Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto).

Donnelly, M. K., M. Norman & P. Donnelly (2015). The Sochi 2014 Olympics: A Gender Equality Audit. Centre for Sport Policy Studies Research Report. Toronto: Centre for Sport Policy Studies, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto.

Professional Memberships

Acting Editor, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 2003-06 (Vols. 39-41) 

Editor, Sociology of Sport Journal, 1990-94 (Vols. 7-11)

Sociology Section Editor, Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 1988-93

President, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (2000); President-Elect, 1999; Past-President, 2001

General Secretary/Treasurer, International Committee for the Sociology of Sport (now the International Sociology of Sport Association), 1988-91; re-elected, 1992-95

International Fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education (now the National Academy of Kinesiology), 2006-