Drop-in Strength & Conditioning

Strength and conditioning facilities are available at both the Athletic Centre and Goldring Centre. Both facilities offer accessible strength training machines, free weights, Olympic weightlifting platforms and more. Women-only hours are available at the Athletic Centre during specified times.

In addition to the main floor strength & conditioning centre, the Athletic Centre has a weight training circuit in the Field House on the third floor.

Equipment / What to wear

Appropriate athletic attire, including running shoes, is required and shirts must be worn at all times.

Small equipment such as foam rollers, strength bands and skipping ropes are available for loan from the Athletic Centre Strength & Conditioning Centre (SCC) staff and the 2nd floor Goldring Service Desk. A valid T-card or membership is required.

Etiquette / Rules

Please review the Athletic Centre Rights & Responsibilities and Goldring Centre Rights & Responsibilities prior to use of the strength and conditioning facilities.

Locations / Other Information

Athletic Centre, (AC)

55 Harbord St.

Strength & Conditioning Centre, main floor

Field House, perimeter


Goldring Centre (GC) for High Performance Sport

100 Devonshire Place

Strength & Conditioning Centre – Tiers 1 and 4 are accessible.

Tier 1 is the first level and is accessible from the second floor elevator or stairs.  It consists of the turf and accessible equipment including a multi-station cable weight training machine, free weights and stretching areas .

Tier 2 is the second level with cardio equipment, a stretching area and squat racks.

Tier 3 is the third level with squat racks, free weights, VersaClimbers and Keiser functional trainers.

Tier 4 is the fourth level and is accessible from the third floor elevator or stairs. It consists of squat racks, Keiser functional trainers and free weights; this is the level from which you may access the Fitness Studio, Speed and Power Centre, BOD POD Fitness Consultation room and the multi-purpose room. The fourth tier is frequently booked for authorized group training sessions.

The Speed and Power Centre (tier 4) houses 8 Olympic platforms and is available for scheduled times.

If you require accommodation(s) in order to participate in our physical activity programs, please e-mail edib.sportandrec@utoronto.ca to inquire about making appropriate arrangements.