Diversity & Equity: Equity Committee (Concept)

Mission & Scope

The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education’s (KPE) Equity Committee is a standing committee of the KPE Faculty Council and acts as the main advisory body to Council, and the Council of Athletics and Recreation (CAR), in relation to equity, diversity and inclusion. The scope of the committee’s work specifically focuses on socially and historically equity deserving on-campus communities including, but not limited to, Indigenous peoples, women, people with disabilities, gender minorities, sexual minorities, religious minorities, ethnic and racialized groups within The Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education. KPE acknowledges the existence of discrimination at The University of Toronto, and also recognizes the opportunity to pursue equity, justice and fairness within the Faculty in order to better serve the University and its students. KPE recognizes this work is ongoing, and is committed to critically reflecting on its institutional values, policies, programs and practices to engage in learning and unlearning towards a safer, positive, more inclusive KPE for all. The KPE Equity Committee aims to create this meaningful change by working to ensure that KPE (including its students, staff, faculty and leadership) is meeting the needs, and is representative of, the diverse student population and University community at large.

Role of the Committee

The Equity Committee reviews and provides recommendations on issues of equity, diversity and inclusion within the Faculty. Advocacy, reporting, intervention and actions are undertaken by the committee, as appropriate, to inform and advance the Faculty’s practices and policies reflect civil liberties protected by the Ontario Human Rights Code. This includes awareness of related programming, initiatives, and concerns within both the co-curricular and curricular programs of the Faculty. This also includes making recommendations to Faculty Council and CAR regarding these programs, initiatives and concerns as needed.

The Equity Committee may also take on special Faculty specific equity projects utilizing voluntary member working groups, overseen by the committee, who produce recommendations or actions for Faculty Council and CAR approval, as required. The Equity Committee fosters collaboration on equity, diversity and inclusion, particularly by engaging students within the scope of the committee’s work. The Committee aims to support students in gaining governance and committee experience, in addition to, participating in experiential learning opportunities by taking on leadership roles.

The Equity Committee may partner with co-curricular and curricular programs to provide workshops and seminars that encourage members of the Students, Staff and Faculty to engage in ongoing learning and unlearning regarding specific topics connected to diversity, equity and inclusion. These activities proceed from the understanding that education and training is needed to foster understandings of Updated: November 24, 2020 power, privilege, colonization and marginalization, and to encourage reflection on how to navigate and address these issues in relation to the Faculty’s strategic plan.


The Equity Committee is comprised of a maximum eleven voting positions. At least six positions must be U of T students, and at least 6 members must be women-identified for parity, and gender equity (Faculty Council By-Laws). Ideally, the committee should be comprised of a diverse group of members in regards to race, ethnicity, Indigeneity, country of origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, ability and age. If this is not the case, the composition of the committee should be re-assessed. Additional non-voting resource personnel and committee assessors can attend to bolster diversity representation and provide a voice for equity deserving groups within committee membership and on campus.

A full break down of the committee by voting position is as follows:

  • Dean or designate
  • CAR Student Rep
  • Faculty Council Chair or designate
  • KPEUA Representative
  • CAR Non-Student Rep
  • Faculty Member
  • U of T Equity Officer
  • U of T Students (4)

Additional non-voting and assessor positions are as follows:

  • KPE Managerial Staff (2)
  • Association of Part-time Undergraduate Students (APUS) Student Rep
  • Graduate Student Union (GSU) Student Rep
  • U of T Equity Officer
  • Faculty Director of Communications
  • University of Toronto Student Union (UTSU) Student Rep

Voting Procedure

Quorum is held when 50% +1 voting members of the committee are present. Decision making shall be by consensus of the committee whenever possible. When consensus is not obtained, decision making shall be by vote, with a clear motion moved by a voting member, and seconded by another voting member. A motion shall be deemed as carried forward by a minimum of 50% +1 voting members of the committee.


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